The three had been counting down the days until Luffy's and Kai's birthday, with Yamato threatening to leave on her own adventure for almost a year

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The three had been counting down the days until Luffy's and Kai's birthday, with Yamato threatening to leave on her own adventure for almost a year.

Yamato:You're lucky I'm sticking around for you two, A youngin like you two could never make it out there without someone wise like me!

Luffy:You're just as dumb as me shishishishishi.

That was almost always the response, to which Luffy would be smacked on the head. It was true though, Yamato was not what many would call "smart." She was prone to getting lost and acting without thinking, probably because of who she ended up growing up with. Neither Ace nor Luffy could be considered tactical. But, what they didn't have in brains they had in unending tenacity and heart. Kai was able to not do that as much as them, but living with them was kinda hard not to do the same things.

Kai:You wouldn't leave me, I'm your boyfriend your more protective of me than I am. Remember you almost killed that girl that "flirt" with me. Which it's funny that you said you were willing to share me yet you did that.

Which this was true it took alot of people to drag Yamato away from the girl. Let it be known that the girl was severely traumatized. It was a warning to everyone to not take Kai away from Yamato.

Yamato:You did they same thing with those men that tried to touch me.

That day Kai's dragon instinct kicked in as he proceeded to attack the men. This time it took most of the town to stop Kai from killing them.

Kai:Mmmm, they try to touch you though. That girl was just asking for directions.

Yamato:She was getting to close to you. Yeah, I agree to share you, but I picked that girl that are allowed.

Their goodbyes were short and sweet, with a hug to Makino and a promise to pair her back with their joint treasure tab. Mayor Woop Slap looked angry as all hell, making the moment all the more natural. One day they would be back, they promised.BAs they began their journey to the wide world and endless ocean, the Lord of the Coast finally made his appearance. A massive sea monster, with blood red eyes bared his jaws of sharp teeth.

Luffy:Whoa!It's you! Sorry I have to do this, but I've been perfecting this move since the last time we met!

He wound back his arm, just as the monster closed in.

Luffy:Gum Gum Pistol!

He declared, smashing the monster clean in the cheek. His eyes bulged and his lower jaw seemed to bust, as he was launched a good 100 feet away.

Luffy:That's what you get you stupid fish!

Luffy called, sticking his tongue out in mockery. Turning to Kai and Yamato

Luffy:1-0-0 shishishishishi.

Yamato:That's not fair! I let you have that one,I coulda hit him harder AND farther.

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