the competition (2)

Start from the beginning

I wore a dressing gown over my nightgown and left my bedroom

I notice a door open.

its lucas's room.

hein? could it be someone who wanted to assasinate lucas ..

I pushed that idea out of my mind right after I remembered that it was lucas we're  talking about.

I slowly enter lucas's bedroom but I found no one.

is he alseep?

I moved to his bed but no one was there too.

I suppose he went for a walk or something.

I took a look at the clock and saw it was 4am .

I sigh and throw myself at the bed .

Im supposed to rest to be in perfect shape tomorow but here Iam.

ah. this pillow has the sent of lucas.... which is logical since its his bed .

I start to relax .

Iam always on my guard with everyone even with lily and the others because Iam afraid that if I dont do this I will lose them .

I feel responsible for all of them .

I feel that I need to protect them

lucas is diffrent though.

maybe its because he is too strong or because he is the great magician of the tower .

or even just because of his personality but I dont feel he is under my responsability , rather than that I feel he's someone I will never lose

with that thought in mind my guard is down when Iam with lucas .

simply because I dont feel the need to put it up.

and lying here in his bed with his sent make it feels like lucas is here .

that's probably why I relax and fall asleep even after having that terrible  nightmare.

end of athanasia POV

Lucas POV

ahh its late .

I can stay awake for more then 2 weeks without sleeping though .


why is my room wide open?

I enter my room and saw a blonde sleeping peacefully in my bed .

speachless won't be enough to describe how I look like.

what the?!

I facepalm myself .

this girl seriously! I never saw someone this defenseless!

she is in a man's room ,in a man's bed ,in nightgown sleeping peacefully without a single care!

tch , I'm getting annoyed .

at this point I feel like she doesn't see me as a man.


however , why is she here ?

I'm sure at 100%  she was sleeping when I leaved my room

did she have a nightmare or something?

I caressed her head .

I will just wait on the sofa until morning I suppose.

* grap

the sleeping beauty grap my wrist

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