tip #1: relationship building

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The one thing i hate the most about stereotipical romance stories that involves playboys/playgirls (or just players in general)or any kind of stories at all is the way they fall in love. It always starts off with something like "he's hot" or "she's sexy". Like sure, okay, that's fine, you can build romantic feelings off of sexual attraction, that works too. But usually, these kind of relationships develop really weirdly and are usually poorly executed. The feels just show up out of no where with no clear explanation and they suddenly fall in love.

Yeah, sometimes liking someone works like that too. You instantly get drawn into someone as they introduce themselves to you or just walk past you, i would know, i've liked many people before. But the thing is, loving someone isn't the same as liking them.

This video explains A LOT about how different crushing on someone and loving them really is. I highly recommend using this as a reference of some sort.

Personally, i want to see more than just feelings building off sexual attraction. I want something more than that, something that makes their relationship more meaningful or just to make the book more interesting. Like how maybe B was the first person to treat A kindly and considerately, maybe A reminds B of someone they used to know. That could be interesting.

Or if you still want to do it off of sexual attraction here's some tips. When you make one of them try to seduce the other, don't make them be like "omg they're so hot i think i'm in love", no. Make them flustered sure, but don't make them fall in love like that, we're moving a bit too quickly here. Maybe make them flirt back and forth but perhaps make them think of it as interesting and not taking any feelings seriously. Or you can make them flustered but in denial lmao.
Then we'd need a catalyst to make them start REALLY getting the feels. Something like them having to go somewhere alone together for who knows why. Maybe a traumatic incident happend. Perhaps one of them were in a traumatic incident and the other one found out and felt sympathy for them. The possibillities are L I M I T L E S S, my friend so don't be scared to try out new ideas.
As  for afterwards, make them spend more time together, i could NOT care less how they spend time together or where, just make em. Have them talk to each other, be happy together, have these little moments where their heart just melts.
As for the confession, you can make it the typical "go out with me" under the sakura tree behind the school. Or make them meet out somewhere else. Maybe one of them can ask the other out on a "hang out" and confess at the end, preferably somewhere romantic or silent and peaceful.

Those tips can honestly be used in ANY kind of romance stories and relationship. You don't necessarily have to use these. The key point here is take it slow and don't rush it. Same thing can applied with your real life relationships too.

Either way, i wish you the best of luck and have fun writing!
Stay safe!

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