Chapter 1: Fangs

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Harry Potter's emerald eyes shot open as he sucked in a deep breath, his hands shaking and sweat running down his face. He jammed his glasses on his face (even though they began sliding down his nose instantly) to look around his near-pitch-black dormitory. He pushed them up again and slowly stood up while trying to calm his pounding heart, his hands still shaking as he opened the door and headed down to the common room and out of the portrait hole.

Once he got out of the castle he took a deep breath of the fresh night air, the coolness and sight of the starry sky effectively calming him. He shook off the foggy remnants of the nightmare (which had been concerning Voldemort, of course) and began taking a long walk that would take him quite ways on the path between the forest and lake, his normal ritual for a night like this.

As he looked up at the millions of stars illuminating the vast infiniteness of the universe, Harry thought about the prophecy again.

How he had to kill Voldemort…or die.

How he had a power that Voldemort didn't know of.

Harry sighed and looked down at his hands as he held them up a bit, wishing he could be one of those millions of stars instead of…whatever he was. Voldemort had his eye on him. Oddly, it seemed that Dumbledore was doing the same if for different reasons.

Harry was so lost and confused, and would've been completely hopeless had it not been for Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, his best friends. They were there for him when he needed them (especially Hermione, though) and he tried to do the same for them, but they all knew that Hermione and Ron paid more attention to his problems than he to theirs. They always said it was okay and that they expected it, but he still felt guilty every time he thought of it.

Harry was so deeply immersed in his thoughts that he didn't even know someone had been watching and following him until he had been knocked out.


Harry moaned as he woke up, his head throbbing. He tried to move his hands up to rub his eyes but found that he couldn't move. His eyes shot open and he looked down to see a thick rope binding him to a tree. He looked around at his barely-visible surroundings just to see that he was in a clearing in the forest and that it was still nighttime, which meant that he hadn't been out for long (unless he had missed a whole day…).

A ring of torches flared to life and Harry finally saw his abductor, who was sitting cross-legged a few feet in front of him. She was a beautiful woman who looked to be about 25 years old with long, flowing brown hair, deliciously plump red lips, long legs, a larger-than-average chest, and incredibly pale skin that was offset perfectly by her red satin dress, ruby lipstick, and lightly applied make-up.

As she studied him studying her, Harry found his voice. "Are you a Death Eater?" he asked with no fear in his voice.

The woman's lips lifted up at the corners before she chuckled a deep, throaty chuckle that made Harry's neck hair stand on end and sent a shiver down Harry's spine. "Death Eater?" she asked with humor. "Those weaklings? I have no interest in wizarding wars, petty and uninteresting as they are."

Harry took a moment to digest her words, unable to understand the meaning behind them. The woman stood up and walked up to him, a seductive sway to her hips. She ran one smooth, cold finger along his jaw, sending another shiver along his spine. "But you're not boring, my sweet," she said quietly. "You're a very fine specimen."

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