"Then why don't you let me take care of you for once?" Before Niall even opened his eyes I had removed the whisky out of his hands and took a sip, the drink burning my insides but nevertheless warming me up.

"What are you-" He started yet never finished, as I moved onto his lap, pushing my lips on his and making him taste the alcohol on them.

"Shhh, relax." My body stood in flames while kisses wandered down his neck. His dick twitched and I barely felt it but when I realised it, I had to smile. It was too good to be true.

"Not so tired now, huh?" I dragged my tongue upwards in one motion, earning an immediate reaction.

"Lord what's gotten into you." Niall mumbled, forcing himself to look up and not at me. I didn't answer, only moved my hips back and forth, the glass in my palm.

"Damn, you're hot. And you're fucking intelligent too. I never met a men so smart." I complimented him over and over again. He did it all the time for my, why shouldn't I?

"All your hard work, your passion. No wonder why you're bored by all those shallow people around you. You're way better than them." Niall smiled at me, enjoying the scene unfolding in front of him or rather in his lap. It was the male pride that took over him. His dick throbbing beneath me, I hummed happily. Taking another sip, I felt drops escaping and running down my chin, dripping on my black turtleneck and on my skirt.

"Whoops." I said, laughing to myself while pressing my midsection on his crotch. It was too funny. Not so funny for Niall though, as he held me down with force, hands on my hipbones, probably due to the friction I created. My movements stilled and I made an annoyed "tsk" sound to show him my displeasure. I had a plan and he was standing in my way.

So I swatted his left hand away, raising my brows. I knew he did it much better.

"I'm in charge, so let me do my job. And if you ask nicely, maybe I let you touch me." I moved my finger from his lips to his collar savouring the power I held. I should have done it earlier, taking control over him. Despite everything, Niall knew me and I knew him. He began planting his grip on my waist once more, stronger this time. He wasn't angry or frustrated. He wanted to test me.

"That's not how it works baby." He grinned devilishly at me. I leaned close to his ear, my fingers moving closer to his cock.

"It does now. Baby." With that I pressed my palm flatly against his crotch, massaging him. He squirmed, moving away from my hold on him.

"Ask me and I let you touch me." The brunet closed his eyes shut, biting his inner cheek. I intensified the pressure to get a quicker response out.

"If you don't ask, this will be over in seconds." I felt hot, I felt attractive and sexy, like a goddess. I had A grown man at my fingertips, playing with him as I pleased. I never wanted to miss the feeling.

"Okay, please let me touch you. I need to get your tights off." My tights? I lifted my hips wordlessly so Niall could slide his hands underneath my skirt where he cupped my ass. I moaned into the kiss, tasting Niall's tongue. My movements on his clothes dick never stopped, not even when he began pulling down the black tights, along with my knickers down to my knees. The bunched up fabric restricted me but the cold air hitting my midsection distracted me way more.

"You only said my tights. Are you insane?" I gasped angrily.

"No, just returning a favour." Mr. Horan tucked again, which was difficult with his eyes closed. I sighed, leaning back until my naked skin met the rough fabric of his jeans. I bet my skin would be red and irritated after this. Helping my professor, we quickly put my tights and underwear on the floor, his exploring hands already kneading my not so lean legs. His fingers were cold, maybe due to the cold drink he had earlier, maybe due to my heated body.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2022 ⏰

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