Update Logs (by dates)

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Sep 21, 2022

New update! Hello everyone!

As you know, Dream is doing a face reveal probably next week, having  George probably already arrived to Florida (today). Crazy and unreal. We are finally going to put a face to the name. I will (probably) update one chapter in each of my books until the reveal. If I do not ever upload after Clay reveals his face, know that I didn't survive it.

It was nice knowing you.

Sep 11, 2022


So, around July 10, I wrote abt how there were some rumors abt doing a reboot to the Dsmp storyline.
Two days after, I found out that Dream made a video on Twitter talking abt it. To sum it all up, Dream never had that idea in mind and was strongly against it. Lots of members said that they are planning something special  to do with the smp.

Now, what I think they will do is the following: They will finish the current stor and the story of their characters and in the "season 2" they will make new characters.  How do I know that you ask? Well, some ccs talked abt 'ending their characters" and while it made sense for some one them (Tommy), Aimsey talking abt that made me sus abt it all...She almost didn't do any lore, so why end her character so soon? I think they will make new c! that will continue the story. Maybe not all of ccs will end their c! Will will have to wait and  see.

Rest in peace Lizzy

July 10, 2022


Dream smp members

do a reboot to the current storyline, meaning, they want to reset everything lore related.

I-personally- hate the idea

Cuz the worst possible thing that all those companies do to movies/cartoons/shows is a reboot WITHOUT A PROPER ENDING TO THE ORIGINAL STORY

I am furious but at the same time I am heartbroken but I wanna laugh.

Like Dsmp (I was there from the begining) is everything to me and to just let go of all those streams stories memories and fan content like that? Just so that u can reset lore, one that u most definitely WILL NOT finish. Like, are they crazy?!

I kinda understand why. The lore got heavy just bc none of they streams anymore together like back in the day. They lost motivation and are busy, but bro.... the same thing will happen on that new server in due time. Ik that on the Dsmp some of them didn't want to do funny goofing strems bc of lore and all. Alyssa didn't want to play on the server bc of lore.

And you know me, I'd give anything to have back those early days of the smp, before Tommy and all, when Dream used to stream on the smp and all but now that we are 2 f-ing years deep into lore like THAT, a reboot is smth that is too extreme to me.

I mean, sure do it, but first do a poroper ending to the current thing. CUZ LEAVING SMTH AMAZING AS THAT UNFINISHED IS A F-ING SIN TO ME! UNFORGIVABLE!

Like, my summer vacation started off pretty bad....I finished music school after ten f-ing years and was so sooo happy...then at the last they of my other school I got covid...then news about Techno....and now this....?! My heart is going to break like I cannot....


Just wanted to warn y'all to prepare yourselves for an emotional rollercoster.

When it comes to my fanfics that are Dsmp lore related, do not worry, they will be part of the original storyline and if boys really decide to do a reboot, I will make my own ending. Which would not be that bad. I already had more more ideas (for "Majestic") for the ending than for anything else XD.

A/n (unknown date, after Will released his fanfic tho)

If you didn't know, new canon Wilbur lore came out. Wilbur wrote it as a Fanfiction and posted it on Ao3. So if you haven't, go check it out. Will also read it on his stream. It's called "The Wilbur Van".

As for my 4 Dream x reader stories I am currently writing, I wanted to announce that from now on I'll focus on the "Exiled" and "A Runaway Blob", probably the Exiled one since I will be finishing it soon (Dream's "soon"). I won't rush it, don't worry. I want to make it good. As for the Majestic one, haven't updated since July 2021, I KNOW. BUT! I am saving that one after I finish these because, it's the story I have a dozen ideas for and want to give my heart and soul to it. So yeah.

Go and read my other stories, if you love this one, you'll definitely love them too! <3 Ty for the love and support!

~Exiled~ [Dream x Fem. Reader] Dream SMP ON HIATUS UNTIL JULY '23 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora