Chapter 2

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Brian's pov

We got back to the firm and went straight to his office. "Hey you two, how'd it go?" Jessica asked walking in "we got them to sign a deal. $50,000 in compensation and they bring the price and living conditions back to what they were meant to be," Louis explained "both of you? I thought Brian were the one who came up with the plan?" "I did, but Louis was the final factor that was needed," I replied. Jessica left and I was about to go back to my cubicle, "hey Brian you wanna go for a celebratory mud later? You said you were willing to give it a try," Louis offered "what about now?" I replied and saw him smile "let's go!" He exclaimed and practically ran out. When we got into the elevator Donna got in after us, "hey you two, how's the case going?" Donna asked "I won the goddam thing," I replied "good job, but it was housing court," she replied rolling her eyes at me "I got it done in just a few hours though!" I groaned "don't worry I'm just teasing," she chuckled. When the elevator reached the ground floor we all got out and went our separate ways.

Louis and arrived at his mud place? I think that's what it's called. We went inside and Louis brought me to a room which I think he... owns it to an extent. "Alright, get naked," he ordered "wha- what why?" I replied "come on men can mud together with their sacks out," Louis replied. "I don't feel comfortable doing that, sorry Louis, you can have your shlong out but I'm keeping mine in my underwear," I said and he groaned before getting naked and getting in the mud bath. I took most of my clothes off and got in the one next to him. "You enjoying this?" He asked "how honest can I be?" I replied "be as honest as you like," Louis said "I'm not enjoying it much, but it's... somewhat relaxing," I stated. "So what's your favourite thing you've seen in theatre?" Louis asked "Hamilton is my favourite, I've actually made a comedy song based on one of the songs in it," I answered "comedy song? I'll have to hear it at some point. What are your goals at the firm?" "I'm still figuring that out, probably to be a name partner at some point. Is this my job interview?" I asked confused "nah, I'm just tryin to get to know ya," Louis replied. When we were done we got the mud off and went back to the firm for the second time today.

"Hey Rachel! Come meet my new associate," Louis exclaimed as a beautiful woman walked past Louis's office "huh? Oh hi! I'm Rachel Zane," she said walking in and we shook hands "I'm Brian Darby, it's a pleasure to meet you," I replied "Miss Zane here is our paralegal," Louis stated "I'm the best paralegal in the city, I'm the only paralegal to have my own office," Rachel added. I smirked and looked back at Louis, "you got another case I can do to pass the time Louis? I'm bored," I groaned "you want more work? Have you even done a case yet?" Rachel asked "I did say 'another' didn't I? So have you?" "No I don't, why don't you help one of the other associates with one of their cases?" Louis suggested, I nodded and Rachel and I walked out of the room. "So what's it like being Louis's associate?" Rachel asked "he wanted to go mudding earlier, as long as that isn't a regular occurrence then it's going to be good, I can't really judge it as it's only my first day," I replied "that's why I haven't seen or heard of you, wait... you finished a case already?" "Yes, I got it done in three hours and now I think I'm not gonna do what Louis suggested and Imma get him a big client," I stated. Rachel went into her office and I left the office again.

I arrived at the Google building and went inside. "Excuse me Sir, who can I speak to about being the lawyer for the company?" I asked the person at the front desk "Sundar Pichai, he's in his office on the top floor," he explained "thank you," I replied and I went to the elevator.

I went to the top floor and went to the CEO's secretary. "Excuse me, is he free?" I asked "yes he is, you can go in," the woman at the desk said and I went in. "Yes?" He asked "Mr. Pichai, my name is Brian Darby and I'm with PearsonHardman. I'd like to talk to you about being a client," I replied "a lawfirm? We have a lawyer, don't you-" "what if I told you that we have some of the best lawyers in the country. I saw the lawsuit you received last month and that you lost, I can guarantee you that you will never lose a lawsuit again," I interrupted "and what is the biggest amount you've gotten from someone?" He asked "I cannot disclose that information," I replied. I could tell that he was considering it, "alright, I'll fire our current lawyer and will hire you specifically as our attorney," he stated and I put the paperwork I drafted at the office on his desk, "so what are the terms?" He asked "you pay $550,000,000 right here and then $200,000,000 for every case won and $150,000,000 for every lost case, and it lasts for five years and then we sign a similar deal and if you like that one, then I will continue being your attorney," I replied and he signed it. He got out his check book and wrote the check.

I left the building and went to my car. "Excuse me aren't you Louis Litt's new associate?" I looked and saw Mike Ross "yeah I am, and you're Mike Ross correct?" I replied "yeah I'm Harvey's associate, why were you just in there?" Mike asked "I just got us a massive client," I stated "really? What are the numbers we're talking here?" "This here is a check for $550,000,000 and we get paid $200,000,000 for every won case and then $150,000,000 for every lost case," I explained and showed both contract and check. I saw an impressed look on his face as he read it, "this is incredible, Louis just landed one hell of a client," Mike stated looking up at me "that's the thing, they only signed on because they wanted me as their attorney," I replied "seriously?! You've only been with the firm a few hours and you've gotten us now one of our biggest clients, this is incredible work," Mike said. He gave me back the check and contract and we got in my car and we left. I arrived with Mike back at the firm and we got out my car. "Is everyday gonna be like this?" I asked "you're not going to land a big of a client as Google for a very long time if you do," Mike replied as we walked into the building. "Hey Mike! We got a situation!" We looked and saw Harvey Specter walking towards us "what's up?" Mike asked "mckernon motors is in trouble, we need to head over there now," Harvey stated and the pair left.

I went up to the right floor and began walking to Jessica's office. "Hey Brian! I've been looking for you where have you been?" Louis asked "I've been out getting a client," I replied not stopping to look at him "who'd you get me?" "I didn't get you anyone, they only wanted me so that's what I've given them as they agreed to my terms," "what? Well who are they and what were your terms and I'll consider letting you keep them," "Google, and I got $550,000,000 up front and then $200,000,000 for every win and $150,000,000 for each loss," I stated. I turned to look at him and saw his face was one of shock. "Okay you can most definitely keep them if you've landed that sort of client oh my god, we have to-" "go tell Jessica? That's what I'm doing and I'm not giving you credit for the work you didn't do this time," I interrupted and walked off.

"Excuse me Jessica? Have you got a minute?" I asked knocking on the door "depending on what you're here about, if you're asking for another case then I have a few but they're not on your level," she replied and I walked over. I put the contract and check on her desk and she began reading. "This is incredible, how did you manage to land them?" Jessica asked "I met their terms like they met mine, which their only one was for me to be their attorney, please don't fire me," I explained and she stood up "considering they're your first client and who they are I'll allow it just this once. You know what... how about I take you out for dinner? As a celebration and a thank you for this," she replied "okay, Louis took me out for a celebratory mud earlier and it was strange," I chuckled "you can go now," Jessica stated and I left.

I walked to Rachel's office to tell her the good news and when I got their I saw she was looking out the window. "Hey Rachel, you alright?" I asked, getting her attention, "yeah I'm fine, what do you need?" She asked "I don't need anything, other than I'm here to brag about the client I just landed," I replied. I saw her smirk, "and who did you land? I doubt they're that big," "Google, should I rub it in Harvey's face when he gets back?" I replied "it's your first day, don't make his first impression of you be you bragging," Rachel said standing up and slowly walking over "I have work to do, not all of us are as good as you on their first day," she said and walked past. I smiled and went to my cubicle.

Word count: 1703

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