28# You have an eating disorder

Start from the beginning

"Here comes the Learjet..." He said.

You still didn't open your mouth.

"I am going to force-feed you or I can tickle you." He said.

He started to tickle you and since you were ticklish, you started to giggle and laugh.

"Why did you do this to yourself?" He asked.

You opened up to him.

"Y/n, you are not fat at all. And please don't hate yourself. I love you so much and you should love yourself too. Please, stop this for me." Niall said.

You agreed and finished your ice cream in like 10 minutes while watching the Thundermans with your brother.

Harry (Age 18): You were almost in college and Harry got famous years ago. But the hate has gotten to you and you really believed them. You hated yourself and got into an eating disorder.

You haven't left your room in a couple of weeks and didn't eat at all.

"Y/n, I'm back!" Harry said.

When he didn't hear you, he tried to look for you.

"Baby, where are you?" He asked.

He looked in the closet, your room, and even the garage.

You were busy throwing up.

He heard the noises from the bathroom and went to the bathroom.

"Y/N, WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU DOING TO YOURSELF?" He asked when he found out.

"I'm sick." You lied.

"I know you aren't sick because you were fine this morning." Harry said.

You told him everything.

"Oh baby, why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I thought since you hated me, you didn't care about me." You said.

"What makes you think that?" He asked.

"You are always gone all the time and we never hang out." You said.

After that, he watched your every single move. He became overprotective.

Louis (Age 15): No one liked you in high school. They say that Louis didn't love you and that you were fat.

"Y/n, you are so ugly and fat, why do you even hang out here?" Your main bully, Savanah asked.

That got you into tears.

"Y/n, the crybaby!" She said and left you with ice cream on your head.

She hated you so much.

At home, it was the same. Even though your mom loved you, your dad, well, he was worse than Savanah.

He calls you fat and ugly.

Also, your parents are divorced and Louis was always away for tours and stuff.

There was more hate than love since your mom passed away.

While your dad was busy calling you fat, someone came in.

"GET OFF HER." A voice said. It was Louis.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked.

"He didn't hurt me. But he always hurts my feelings. I have no one." You explained.

He noticed your body.

"Baby, you need to eat more. You are very skinny." He said.

For 2 weeks, he took you in as a 3rd parent. Even though he was only your brother, he is like a father to you.

Zayn (Age 16): You threw up everything. And I mean everything. But you let water in your system.

"Y/n, once you get the chance, can you come down here?" Zayn asked.

You needed an excuse.

"Uhm, I need to clean the hamster cage." You said.

"The cage is already cleaned." Zayn said.

"Well, then, I need to do some math homework." You lied.

"It is Summer." Zayn said.

"Fine, I'll come." You said.

Once you came down, you saw a huge plate of chocolate. Normally, you would just eat it all and would not save it for Zayn. But you didn't budge.

"Now, will you help me eat this?" Zayn asked.

"I'm busy, I need to meet y/bf/n right now." You said.

"He is busy too." Zayn said.

He has a lot of phone numbers.

He forcefully set you at the table.

You opened up to your brother and he vows to never let you make yourself sick ever again.

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