Chapter one:the beginning.

Start from the beginning

"Konnichiwa  I'm Chiyo Kensei nice to meet you" the boy name Chiyo said softly, he jump down the tree and walk up to (Y/n)

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"Konnichiwa  I'm Chiyo Kensei nice to meet you" the boy name Chiyo said softly, he jump down the tree and walk up to (Y/n)."I never seen you before who are you?".

"(Y/n)(L/n) nice to meet you Chiyo".(y/n) replied.

"So why are you here (Y/n)?" Chiyo ask.

"Well my uncle sent me here to train on my own but I don't know what else I can do he told that I might learn something new here." (y/n) explained.

"Hm...mind if you want to train with me a bit".Chiyo suggested.

"Sure I would love too!"(y/n) said as he smiled at Chiyo.

Chiyo smiled back.

"Okay here we go" he said as he get into position and so did (Y/n).

The both bow to each other and got into their stances.

"Let's see how skill you are (Y/n) (L/n)". Chiyo said as he got his katana ready.

(Y/n) nodded and got his katana out.

(Note, I'm not good at writting fight scenes so I'm using the fight scene between jin qnd his uncle from Ghost of Tsushima).

"Wow that was some strength (Y/n) san". Chiyo complimented.

"Thank you, well if it weren't for my uncle  I wouldn't have won against you".(y/n) replied.

"your uncle trained you? Why?". Chiyo ask.

"Well he's training me to become a demon slayer".(Y/n) replied.

"Demon slayer? like the people who fought demons in the night?".Chiyo ask once more.

(Y/n) nodded and stared at the ground.

"Yes, when I was young I lost my mother and brother to them and my father he took me to my uncle and disappeared I'm training to become a demon slayer to avenge my family ".(Y/n) ask.

Chiyo raised a brow.

"To be honest your skill doesn't seem to match a typical demon slayer or a hashira" .

"What do you mean Chiyo?".(y/n) ask.

"Well it's just that the way you held your  katana, it's like your a samurai"Chiyo said.

(Y/n) looked down.

"Well you see I was going to be train as a samurai but my family were killed by demons so I decided to become a demon slayer to avenge them".(y/n) said."I had to let my dreams of being a samurai go and to protect people from demons" (Y/n) frown.

Demon slayer x Male Samurai readerWhere stories live. Discover now