Never been kissed- T.R. pt. 2

Start from the beginning

Before she could make it there she was stopped by a familiar voice.

"Y/N wait up"

Stopping to turn around, Tom Riddle is jogging to meet up with her.

"Oh hi Tom"

"may I walk with you?" he asked

"of course"

Walking to the bench, she took this time to bring up him not being in class.

"missed you in class today." trying not to sound like she cared TOO much but enough to show she noticed.

"Yeah, I uh I overslept" he said. But that wasn't the truth. He actually woke up early today.

Over the past week, Tom couldn't stop thinking about that night. He knew he needed to do something to keep her around. He wanted to ask her out, and today was the day.

He wanted to make sure he knew exactly what he was going to say. All morning he was practicing in the mirror, what he was going to say, how he was going to say it, what was he going to wear. Even making a backup plan if things went south. He would spend all day making sure he had a good plan if he had to.

Taking a seat on the bench, Tom knew it was now or never.

"I actually came over here to ask you something."

"I might have an answer," she said in a playful tone

"I was wondering if you would accompany me on the next Hogsmeade trip?" He tried to sound as formal as possible

"Like on a date?" she asked a bit taken aback

"Yes, like a date." he replied with a smile

"I'd love to Tom" she said matching his smile

"Great, meet me at the train station Saturday 11:30" he said while standing up to walk away

"Okay, hey where are you going?"

"Oh I don't have a free period, I just wanted to ask you."
"I'll see you later" he said as he walked away.

Y/N sat there in a bit of shock. The boy she likes is interested in her too, this is amazing.


Later that evening, Y/N was in the Gryffindor common room with the marauders bored because there's never anything to do on school nights. 

"Ugh, I can't wait for the weekend, I finally get to raid honeydukes" James said thinking about the sugar high he's going to have.

"I can already taste the butterbeer" Sirius added

"what do you wanna do when we get there Y/N?" Remus asked

"Oh I can't go with you guys this weekend" 

"why not?" Peter asked

"I have a date." she told the boys

"A date?!?" the boys asked in unison

"yes a date"

"With who?" Sirius questioned

"Tom Riddle" she said with a faint smile on her face

"Oh my god, are you joking" James chimed in

"No, I'm being serious. he asked me out today."

"I figured you two had something going on, all that giggling in class." Peter said winking at Y/N 

"I knew that sweater looked familiar the other day. It's Toms" Remus proclaimed

"A date AND his sweater? when's the wedding date?" Sirius laughed

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