chapter 12: climax

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Sam: other!? What you think you're my submissive now?!

Nicholas quickly hides his face and says..

Nicholas: oh I thought I.. never mind I guess there's a one-time thing..

Nicholas was about to get off Sam and Sam pulled him in closer making Nicholas twitch a little.

Sam: haha so what if he's my submissive that's not going to matter anymore now that I have a partner!

Nicholas: huh! What you mean a partner!?

Sam: yeah now I have a partner..

Nicholas: Soo.. that means..
Sam: that means you're my boyfriend Nicholas that's what it means!!

Nicholas: ahh!! Hold on wait!!? For real!!?? I never had a boyfriend before?!

Sam: it's okay I can teach you how to be my boyfriend and English as well!

Nicholas: haha yeah I suck at English!!

Sam: so Nicholas do you accept being an old man's boyfriend?!

Nicholas: Yes! Yes!! Ahh Yes!!

Sam: okay! okay! I get it!

Nicholas: so now that you have me as your boyfriend what's going to happen to you know your submissive??

Sam: don't worry I'll deal with that! He won't get in the way of this!!

Sam get up and takes his number out of necklace and sends him up straight while fall slowly utility him backwards to pick him up..

Sam: time to take a shower!!

Sam and Nicholas both took a shower together for the first time Sam never done this with his submissives or anyone he dated

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Sam and Nicholas both took a shower together for the first time Sam never done this with his submissives or anyone he dated. Nicholas obviously this is first time so he was a bit nervous. More nervous than his actual first time.. Sam got out of the shower first Nicholas stayed behind he was too exhausted and needed some alone time in the shower. While Nicholas was in the shower Sam decided to clean the bed and make it comfortable for them to rest. Nicholas got out the shower which Sam couldn't keep his eyes off of him he looked cute with his hair wet.. Sam took out a mini blower and helped him dry his hair. Both felt in a deep conversation Nicholas never seen Sam smell so much they both got into bed and started falling asleep.. 5 minutes later they're both were in a deep sleep.

4 hours later...

Jeon: good afternoon my sweet master!

Nicholas slightly wakes up and hear someone yelling he then pushes Sam and tells him that somebody's in the house.

Nicholas: Sam wake up!!  Sam! wake up!

Sam: what! What is it! Do you want some more!! Look I know I'm a dom and all but I am old I need a break too!!

Nicholas: Noo! Someone's here!!

Jeon: Master!!

Sam: sh!t! What's today!!

Nicholas: ahh

Sam: What day is it!!

Nicholas: it's Friday! It's Friday!!

Sam: No! No!

Nicholas: what's wrong!

Sam: stay in bed whatever you do do not come outside! Stay here!!

Sam quickly gets up from the bed and grabs a pair of shorts that were on a chair near the bed, struggle to put it on..

Jeon: Sam!

Sam quickly heads out the room closest to the door behind him and walks into his living room..

Sam: Jeon! What are you doing here so early!!

Jeon: it's 2 in the afternoon don't tell me you were sleeping!

Nicholas hears voices outside so he did not listen and put on one of Sam's long dressy button-up white shirts and heads out the door..

Nicholas: Sam?!

Nicholas eyes open wide when he saw that Sam guy that he saw that night with Sam..

Sam: I told you to stay inside!!

Yelled Sam with a fierce angry voice. Which made Nicholas and Jeon Jump. Sam saw fear grow in Nicholas's eyes.

Sam: Ni...

Jeon: anyways! I got you some gifts master for a session tonight!

Nicholas felt embarrassed and quickly ran into the room and started putting his clothes on.

Sam: not now!

Jeon: but master?!

Sam: I said not now!!

Sam pushes Jeon for the first time out of his way. And starts running towards his room.. he enter the room and saw Nicholas fully dressed. He looks like he was ready to leave..

Sam: Nicki what are you doing!!

Nicholas didn't answer Sam's question and he stormed out of the room Sam followed him..

Sam: Nicholas! Stop!!

Nicholas immediately stopped turn his head to the left and looked at Jeon and says

Nicholas: have fun..

Jeon: oh! I will!!

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