Chapter 1

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It's another night in Mondstadt, the Tavern is full as usual. There's a lot of people drinking and lauhing off their days. Among those people, sit the Cavalry Captain, Kaeya Alberich. A well known young man with such exotic look. Besides him, there's older men talking about how charming Kaeya is. "How about marrying my granddaughter, Captain? Her name is Donna, you must've been see her around Mond!" Said the old man. The other man replied "No, no! No way! My daughter is more suitable for Captain Kaeya's taste!"

While they are in silly little argument, Kaeya only chuckles and drink his wine. "Hey Diluc, aren't Donna talks about your charm everyday? I always hear her sort of mumbling your name." Kaeya attempt on teasing the man infront of his table, Diluc Ragnvindr. "Hmph. There's no need to talk about such useless conversation with me." Diluc's grumpy voice is what Kaeya always get whenever they talk. Kaeya laughs a little. Them both, they are like brothers, but they can't say they knew eachother from before.

It's already midnight, everyone is drunk and leaving the tavern. "Such lightweight shouldn't be drinking. Tch." Diluc says quietly. "Aw, you secretly cares about your customer? That's so cute but not very you." Kaeya tease him. "You're drunk, Kaeya. Just go home." "Heheheh~ no.." Kaeya lay his head onto the table while his hand still holding a glass of half full wine. Diluc takes the glass forcibly from his grip. Kaeya didn't react to that.

Everyday, everynight, Diluc always end up meeting Kaeya like this. He believe that Kaeya hates him for what happened long ago. But there's one question; "From all of the bars in Mondstadt, why choose to be here?"
"Uh.. huh?" Kaeya lift his head slowly out of surprise. "Sigh.. there's so many bars out there but you seem to always be here. Why so?" Diluc repeats the question. Kaeya seem to be annoyed by such unreasonable question. "To keep you company, silly." He said in slight mad tone, slapping some mora to the table and left without a word. Diluc only stood there, looking at the mora. He thinks if his question is too much for a drunk man. Shakes his head, taking the mora and closes the tavern.

Kaeya walks out from the tavern all the way to his place. "Why Angel's Share? Of course it's the wine, idiot. Blah! Stupid Diluc!" He mutters angrily while walking and kick small rocks on the road. He stops infront of his door. Stares at the door handle, silenced for some moment. He wanted to apologize to Diluc but using his drinking habit as a reason to keep coming. But still until this very day, he haven't said a word sorry. He shakes his head aswell and goes into his room and take a bath in the middle of night. After then, he wears pajamas and throw himself onto bed. He grab a small notebook besides him and starts writing..? No, counting? Then he close the book, and tries to sleep.

~ time skip ~

"Good Morning, Sir Kaeya!" A familiar girl with red bow tied to her brown hair. "Morning too, Amber. Seems quite energetic, have any exciting plan today?" Kaeya replies gently. "Heh, you bet! I'm going on an expedition outside Mondstadt! How exciting is that!?" She said vigorously. "Ahah, safe trip there Pyro maniac." "Thank you, Sir Kaeya! I'll get going now! See 'ya!" Amber runs very fast. Kaeya can only smiles and chuckles. "Oh Amber, you remind me so much about young Diluc." Then he again silenced until Klee bumping to him, bringing a message from Jean. "Mister Kaeya! Master Jean told me to give you this!" while she give Kaeya a little letter.

"Kaeya, i already know about you being a spy. But i need you to understand that it doesn't matter anymore, i know you well and the way you treat others, you are the most reliable man i know. Please do not left the Knight of Favonius.

Oh and also, please take care of Klee for some time. I'm out for a mission for a day or maybe a week. Albedo is still at Dragonspine, i already sent the similar letter to him through Sucrose. He might come down to Mondstadt to take care of Klee.

Please, and thank you, Kaeya.

                            - Jean"

"Master Jean said Klee can play with Mister Kaeya and Big Brother Albedo all day!" She said happily. "Well lucky you, i'm a fun person!" Kaeya replied to her. "Well.. since you are here.." she said again while opening her bag.
"Klee, no. We are not going to fish blasting, Albedo could come down anytime soon and if he sees this...." "Aw.. but Dragonspine to Mondstadt is so.. so far! He wouldn't arrive today!" Kaeya sighs, "Alright. We are going." "Yay!! Kaeya is the best!" Kaeya smiled and see the letter again until he turn the paper.

"I also leave Klee on Razor and Bennett's watch, in case you're not around or busy. Hope you don't mind!"

"Ah.. Razor and Bennett, hum? Heh." He said. And then he goes with Klee to go fish blasting.

They met Razor and Bennett too, they're having so much fun together. Razor seems awkwardly enjoys the fun too. Kaeya looking at Bennett. "Well well, your sword fighting is quite impressive already." "Haha! Thank you for always teaching me, Mister Kaeya!" Kaeya smiles proudly and scratch Bennett's head. "It's nothing, really."

Klee seem to be tired of all the fun and ask Kaeya to go home. They said goodbye to Razor and Bennett. Razor waves his hand because Klee did. While Bennett is just there standing while watching Kaeya and Klee slowly disappearing from the horizon.
"Bennett? Bennett sad?" Razor asked. "H- huh? No! Of course not! It's just..  we have a lot of fun today. I'm a little tired. Let's built a tent!" Razor seem confused but agrees anyway.

"Bennett, i have a request..

...if one day i'm not around, please take care of Klee."

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