| Prologue |

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As a grand ball was held at Snezhnaya, a young prince named "Childe" was swiftly arrogant to his peers.
He got all the gifts, blessings and ladies.
His family was doubt to return by a few moons, away from Snezhnaya.
So, in company, they brought Teucer along.
He didn't really mind that at all, to be with a sibling.
All of those lovely and shining treasures.
Never looked or understand it,
Nor cared about it.

But on a stormy and tremendous night, a knock was heard at the door.
As the prince opened it, what he saw was an old woman, seemingly cold by the horrific weather.
The old lady promised the prince a beautiful, Red rose, shining beautifully in exchange for shelter at the castle while the storm stops.
But due to the prince's likings, he disliked the old woman's looks right away and shuts the door.

Then the old lady transformed into a beautiful entchantress.
Known as the "Goddess of Love".
The prince immediately asked for forgiveness, but the Goddess knew no love is in his heart and cursed him.

"I shall vow that onto this day, you must bewitch the looks, which you despise but not only then until your heart feels a gentle surprise.
For the love you will feel, only then the curse will be fully unsealed."

The enchantress disappeared and left the castle, shaded on the darkness.

The prince was left with the Rose upon on its last bloom, the last petal will fall, and only then either the curse will remain or it'll vanish.
And as he do, he will be waiting for someone to come.

Will the prince be able to find his ..
True love?

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