Chapter 2

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"I, Lord Harry James Potter challenge Albus Dumbledore to an honour duel by phoenix!"

Albus understood the words spoken but had no idea what they meant, he heard a noise behind him and looked round to see Filius jumping up and down on top of the staff's table, clapping his hands in excitement.

"Oh Lord Potter I saw one of those when I was a young wizard, travelling through Asia. You may have the name wrong though because they called it an honour trial by phoenix, where two parties have reached an impasse, both agree to accept the decision of the phoenix on who is in the right. It's a very clever way to avoid bloodshed and, as the phoenix is a creature of light, it will always make the correct choice."

Albus could hardly contain his glee, Fawkes had been bound to him for over half a century and he had explored ways to make his phoenix do whatever he commanded. This was going to be over fast, he'd still get to maintain what was left of his reputation and then he could set about using the two girls to get Potter to do what he wanted, "I accept the honour challenge by phoenix and agree to abide by the outcome."

Fawkes flashed into the great hall, settling on Dumbledore's shoulder, thus creating a powerful image of a wizard and his magical familiar.

Harry's smile was predatory, "Thank you for that explanation Professor Flitwick, though correct in the description of a phoenix trial, I fear I must point out your conclusion was wrong. I did indeed specify an honour duel by phoenix, this means Mr Dumbledore's honour in this matter will be represented by his phoenix while the Potter honour will be defended by my best friend, Hedwig."

The beautiful white phoenix burst into view from a fireball, right at ceiling level, she then slowly and majestically spiralled down towards her chicks, magical singing mesmerising the entire hall and turning the enchanted ceiling into a sunny afternoon.

For a collective group of people to whom so-called mythical creatures like dragons and unicorns were almost commonplace, actually seeing a white phoenix was an experience none of them ever believed they would encounter. To see this regal creature of legend land gently on Harry Potter's shoulder and then encompass the two girls with its wings was breathtaking; Hagrid was in floods of tears while wearing a gigantic grin.

Fawkes left Albus, flying slowly and sombrely towards the group, landing in front of them and spreading his wings wide before bowing to the white phoenix. There was a conversation between them, held in song, which all of the Potters could easily follow but a dumbfounded Dumbledore could not.

After a few minutes Hedwig suddenly emitted a ferocious screech before launching herself at her competitor, Fawkes never moved a millimetre but, just as Hedwig's claws looked certain to tear the other phoenix apart, the lower half of her body transformed into a fiery furnace. It was almost as if Hedwig was attempting to flame out but changed her mind half way through the procedure, the effect on Fawkes was devastating. The fierce flames engulfed the magical creature and, where there once had been a noble phoenix, now all that remained on a floor, cracked by the intense heat was a pile of ash.

The effect on Dumbledore was pretty powerful as well; the energy backlash threw him backwards, with the massive teacher's table breaking his momentum as well as his pelvis.

Hedwig landed on the floor and began singing softly to the pile of ashes while Luna stepped forward and started carefully parting the rapidly cooling ash with her hands until she found the ugly chick. Gently picking the featherless creature up by cradling him in both hands she stood and faced Dumbledore. He was lying half on, half off the teacher's table and groaning in agony, he got no sympathy from the blond Lady Potter.

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