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It started as a normal day. I had walked into the library before school started, and found my usual spot in my favorite chair, which was sitting in the corner. I liked to go to the library before school for two reasons. One because it's very quiet and peaceful, and two...I don't have many friends. Well, other than the small group that I love dearly consisting of Kira, my best friend who I've known since my parents died, Trey, Sam, and Clara, I was never one to attract friends. The five of us usually get picked on by the more popular group for being "loners", but I'm pretty used to it by now. I've been independent and picked on for reasons that I don't understand for as long as I can remember. The bell rang for 1st period, so I got up and walked upstairs to start another normal and boring school day, or so I thought.

My day was pretty good. I went to Biology and Calculus, all the boring classes that we're forced to take in high school. But now it's finally lunch. Sadly, none of my friends were at my lunch, so I found myself sitting at a table alone until lunch was over. As I got up to go throw my lunch tray away, Sierra and France grabbed my arm. Now, I've had my trouble with them in the past. They pick on me for not having friends, and for some other hypocritical reasons. They probably only came up to me to get the calculus homework answers, or because Sierra loves to taunt me about my brother. My brother was named Alex. Alex was about to turn 8 when I was born, but he died three days after I was born. Coincidentally, he became sick on my birthday, and the doctors couldn't figure out what had happened. Something to do with energy loss I think, but I'm not sure. My parents died when I was 9 in a car accident, I'm 17 now so I've been living in an orphanage since then and I will until I turn 18. Sierra's older sister and my brother were best friends and her whole family blamed me for his death. As they grabbed my arm I rolled my eyes. I tried to slip into the crowd but their grip was too strong. "So how's your brother"? "Oh wait you don't have one". Her best friend France jumped in the conversation. "Awe I bet you miss him", "oops you never even met him". They both started laughing but I had blocked them out. My eyes wandered to the boys in the corner of the cafeteria. Nick and Chance. Nick and Chance are the popular boys. I have dreams about Nick and have had a crush on him for what feels like forever. As I stood there daydreaming, I heard France still talking. " Hello, can you even hear us?" I end my long dreamy daze "huh...?". I look back at the girls. "OMG Sierra she wasn't even listening come on let's go". France goes to walk away as I go toward the trash can to throw my trash out. Suddenly, Sierra trips me. My uneaten applesauce gets all over my shirt and down onto my chest. I didn't make a fuss, I just got back up and went to the nurse to get a new shirt.

When I went to the nurse's office I sat down in the chair. "What happened honey?" the nurse politely asked "Someone tripped me," I explained. "Well was it an accident?" I thought about telling the nurse that Sierra tripped me but what would that do? Absolutely nothing, so there was no point. "Yes, it was an accident" I exclaimed. "Ok sweetie I will be right with you". Just then Chance and Nick walk in, they were both wearing their football gear. I noticed that Nick was limping. I couldn't help much but I got an ice pack from the freezer and handed it to him. "Thanks," he said with a forgiving smile. " No problem," I replied. I sat back in the chair. "You're Y/n right?" I was shocked that he even knew me let alone my name. I stutter in hesitation "Y-yeah". "Well, Y/n, why are you in the nurse's office?" Nick said. I turned and looked at Chance. "Well, your girlfriend tripped me after taunting me about my brother". He looked at me confused. "Sierra?... my girlfriend"? "Yep," I say, popping the P. "Well what did she say about your brother?" Nick punches Chance in the arm "don't ask that". "No Nick it's ok I'm sure everybody knows by now," I said. "My brother and Sierra's sister were best friends but when I was born he died and Sierra and the rest of her family blamed it on me." I look down trying hard not to show my emotions. "Oh, I'm sorry" Chance says as he looks away sadly. The nurse returned with my new shirt, and I went into the stall and changed, feeling embarrassed. After I changed, I quickly grabbed my sweatshirt, put it on, and ran out as fast as I could catching glances from both Chance and Nick.

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