Remember when I said that it wasn't just Fez that was making Juniper feel this way?  Well, along with the insane amount of anxiety she had, Juniper was also prone to depressive episodes. Once she was diagnosed with anxiety and a panic disorder, her mother didn't want to take her back to the doctors office once Juniper started showing since of depression. Off the chance that something else could be wrong with her daughter. So Juniper was left undiagnosed, but she always knew.

For the past week and a half, Juniper couldn't seem to pull herself out of bed to brush her teeth, or shower let alone leave her bedroom. When it came to going to school, Juniper managed. She didn't talk to anyone, or dress up the way that made her feel good-- but she managed. She knew she couldn't let her grades slip. Academic validation was all she wanted since she didn't get any validation from home. Juniper needed that little thing that would make her know that she was doing okay.

Juniper was struggling, and the only thing that could pull her out of bed and get ready was work. She continued going to work on the weekends even though she felt like complete and utter shit. Juniper liked feeling okay for just a few hours. She liked the adrenaline that coursed through her veins as she danced. Juniper kept going to work because at work-- she wasn't herself. She wasn't 'Juniper' and thats what made her keep going.

"Hey," Lacy set her go bag next to Juniper's and collapsed into a chair. Juniper reached up to take off her mask as she lightly chuckled.

"Long night, Lace?" She asked, digging through her bag for some make-up wipes. Lacy just groaned, her head between her knees.

"Yeah," She agreed finally. "I had three privates tonight."

Juniper smirked with a playful laugh. "Three?" She echoed. "Holy shit Lacy-- how much are you charging for them again?"

That made Lacy lift her head and smile. "400," Lacy stuck her tongue out a little as she shimmed her shoulders.

"Jesus!" Juniper cackled. "Damn, you may be tired but you just got 1,200 from privates alone!"

"1,500," Lacy corrected as she stood up. She walked to the floor length mirror and began to untie her top. "My last guy tipped me big time."

"Fuck," Juniper pulled out her make-up wipes and shook her head with a gentle smile. "What a night."

"Riot," The manager pushed open the door a little so she could peek her head in. Juniper looked over her shoulder.


"Someone just requested for you," She leaned against the doorframe. "You got time?"

"Requested for me?" Juniper looked around for a few seconds as confusion filled her. She pushed her unused make-up wipe back into the container. "Yeah, I guess so," she murmured as she got up from her chair. Looking into the mirror that was in front of her, she made sure to adjust her clothes before grabbing her mask and slipping it back on. "Can you give me a moment to freshen up?" Juniper asked her manager, and got a nod in response.

Lacy threw on a baby pink matching track suit before wiping her make-up off. "I wonder if its that guy."

"What guy?" Juniper questioned, reapplying her perfume. She dabbed some onto her wrist before bringing it up to her neck.

"The one that always asks for you," Lacy turned to look at the younger. "You know the one-- the guy that gives you the puppy dog eyes."

Juniper set her perfume down slowly as she thought about what Lacy was talking about. She hadn't seen Fezco since the night at the carnival, and frankly forget that he favored not only the club she worked at but he favored her. She shook the thought out of her mind.

cherry [fezco]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz