Fixing Things (5)

Start from the beginning

"Amane-kun, what are you doing?" She asked, and Amane gave an awkward smile.
"Oh- nothing! Just- uhhh- did I ever tell you that you're really pretty?" Amane gave a nervous laugh, and Yashiro stood, dumbfounded.
"Sorry what? What are you holding?" She attempted to grab his arm, and he quickly moved further along the wall.
"I'm not holding anything, I swear! You just- get back to whatever you were doing!" He attempted to shift further, but was very quickly stopped by Yashiro once again.
"You're acting really weird... hold on- are you sweating?"
"Yeahh- about that-"
"You didn't take the car, did you?"
"You didn't notice it was still outside?"
"How far away was this 'mysterious' shop?"
"About an hour away-"
"You walked or ran all the way to a shop which is an hour away from where we live?"

Amane gave a nervous laugh, still keeping his hands behind his back, as Yashiro facepalmed.
"I can't believe we've been together for however many years and you still do things that surprise me. Still, what are you holding?"
"It's really nothing! I just- need to put this somewhere." Amane began quickly moving along the wall, only walking normally once he was far enough away that nobody would be able to see it. Yashiro stood, completely stunned, and Tsukasa walked up behind her.

"Has he always been this odd?" Yashiro asked, and Tsukasa thought.
"I actually don't know!"
"How don't you know? You're twins."
"Well my memory of when we were kids isn't very good anymore." Tsukasa looked at the floor, messing with his fingers.
"What do you mean? It hasn't been that long!"
"It's not to do with how long it's been. I do remember it I just have more trouble getting those memories to show themselves."
"What does that mean?"
"You know where I was for the past few years?"
"Yes, but how's that relevant?"
"They managed to figure out why I was the way was and the only reason I'm here now is because they did a combination of therapy and I now have medicine I need to take sometimes for it. One of the side effects is my memory isn't as good as it should be."
"That's the only reason?"
"Well no, but the other one is a bit personal."
"Mind telling me? You don't have to if you don't want to."
"I'm okay telling you! I'm not like Amane, I have no issue opening up to people! You could say it's something like my brain doesn't want me to remember. Like it knows that was definitely me doing all that, but it's trying to suppress the memories of it because it doesn't want to believe that was me."

Tsukasa proceeded to sit on the floor, looking up at Yashiro. She could tell from his words and expression that he felt guilty for it, especially since he didn't have his signature big smile or wife eyes, but she hadn't realised quite how bad he felt. She sat next to him, and tried to think of a way to make him feel better.

"Hey, at least you're open about it, that's a good thing." She began, and Tsukasa gave a confused look.
"Sounds like you're forgiving me, but I could have killed you!"
"Yeah, but you didn't, did you?"
"But I could have!"
"That's not the point. Sure, what you did could have killed me, but it didn't. The fact that was possible in that situation doesn't matter."
"Because that was the past. You had some unresolved and unchecked mental issues, which of course doesn't make any of what you did okay, but the fact you have enough sense now to feel bad for it shows that you've not only changed but improved."
"You can't really think that-"
"Just listen. Looking back and feeling bad about the past is useless, you can't change it. All that matters is who you are in the present, okay? I won't say I've forgiven you, I don't think that would be fair, since I'm not the one who got the worst of it."

Tsukasa was about to respond, but right before he did, Amane came back. He saw Yashiro and Tsukasa sitting on the floor, and had a look of concern and confusion.
"Amane! Guess what?" Tsukasa said, his big smile returning. Unlike the way it had been in the past, this one was friendly, and warm.
"What?" Amane responded, stepping slightly away from Tsukasa, with a half smile.
"I want to show you something!" He stood up, grabbing his brothers arm, and Amane instinctively pulled his hand away. He held his arms closer to himself, and Yashiro stood up, realising what was going on.

"Tsukasa- no- don't do that, please." He said, and Yashiro placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Amane-kun, don't worry. He's not going to do anything."
"I know- but why my hand specifically?"
"You don't have to if you don't want to. Sorry, Amane." Tsukasa spoke up, looking down slightly. "I wanted to show you something that might make you happy." He continued, and Amane gave a half smile.
"You can still show me, just, please don't grab my arm like that."
"Okay! Follow me!" Tsukasa smiled, and skipped to where they'd left the statue.

Once he got to where it was, he picked it up, and shoved it in Amane's face. Amane pushed it slightly away, trying to get a better view of it.
"Look what Yashiro did! She fixed this!" Tsukasa had a childish grin, and Amane took the statue from his hands. As he looked at it, he looked over to Yashiro, smiling warmly.
"That wasn't all me, Tsukasa also-" Yashiro began, before quickly being cut off by Tsukasa.
"She made it look good as new, right Amane?!" He was hopping slightly, and Amane nodded.
"She did. I didn't think I'd see this fixed again!"

Yashiro stood, surprised, because she didn't think it was fair that Tsukasa didn't get any credit for it, since repairing it was his idea in the first place. Amane walked over to her, and she looked at the statue, then back at him.
"You put it in that draw?" She said, referring to when it was broken.
"Well, yeah."
"I didn't want you to throw it away."
"You could have told me that." Yashiro smiled, and Amane kept looking at the statue.
"Well you probably would have said it should be thrown away anyway since it was broken, but you spent your money on this, and it was a gift. I didn't think it would be fair on you if it had to be thrown away."
"Amane-kun, it's really not a big deal."
"There's also no way we can be replace it because the shop it's from doesn't even exist anymore."
"Amane-kun. Seriously, it's not a big deal."
"But this is a nice statue, I like it!"
"That's exactly why I bought it, silly." Yashiro laughed, and Amane glanced from her to the statue, smiling at it.

(Btw the statue is supposed to be a crescent moon with stars hanging off, very nice looking :))

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