Chapter 24: Three Turns

Start from the beginning

Taking his hand from Hermione's, Albus slipped it under the covers and pulled out the ring in question. "The horcrux has been defeated and the ring is now perfectly safe. It's the stone that's the significant thing here. I've searched for the Resurrection Stone since I left Hogwarts as a student. It's rather ironic I found it the same day that I'll die."

The gasp came from Amelia. "The Resurrection Stone is real?"

"Since Harry is now holding it, that would have to be a yes. Three turns of the stone allows its owner to talk with those who have passed on. Harry, call for me whenever you need help or advice. I'm not really leaving you, our loved ones never really leave us..."

There wasn't a dry eye around the bed at that but Albus could feel his time was getting short. "Harry, I need you to summon my wand from me." His hand delved once more beneath the covers, bringing out his wand. Harry summoning and catching it produced a light show that had Hermione needing to reinforce her privacy charms.

"The Elder Wand has served me faithfully for many, many years. Since you already have the Cloak of Invisibility in your possession, you are now master of all three Deathly Hallows - and Master of Death."

"Albus, that's nothing but a child's tale..."

"Most of which are based on some semblance of fact, Amelia. The Hallows origins may be cloaked in mystery, that they exist can no longer be disputed - nor can their ownership. Harry, your friend Luna's father is very knowledgable on the subject. Like me though, his judgement could be impaired if presented with them. That you are the Master of the Hallows must be kept a secret, except from the people here. Speaking of secrets, I think the rest of the family needs to know yours. You will need help and support moving forward, they can supply it."

Choosing to ignore that advice for the moment, Hermione focused on something else Albus had said. "Sir, what does it mean to be Master of Death?"

"It doesn't make Harry immortal or indestructible, nothing like that. The true master does not seek to run away from Death. He accepts that he must die, and understands that there are far, far worse things in the living world than dying."

Wrapping both arms around his intended, Harry gave his thoughts on the matter. "I already knew that, Sir. I am far more worried about anything happening to Hermione than I am to me."

"That just shows what a wise man you are, Harry, and also why I thought you could handle something that would corrupt a lesser wizard."

Not liking the sound of what she was hearing, Emma placed a hand on the shoulder of the boy she was coming to consider her son. "Do you feel any different?"

Taking a moment to look inward, Harry answered as best he could. "I feel calmer, that's the best description I can come up with. The headmaster is dying, but it's not the end. He will see his family, and I will see him again. It's not the end, rather like beginning a new chapter. Does that make sense?"

Leaning forward, Emma kissed his cheek. "More than you could possibly know."

Albus took this opportunity, probably his last, to speak with Hermione's parents. "Emma, Dan, I know and understand your commitment to your family. I can neither fault nor criticises it. All I can ask is that you go over the problems carefully before making decisions that will affect the entire country."

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