Chapter 15: Families

Start from the beginning

"That is the position I have taken on this matter but, unfortunately, it is known who brewed the potions. If you refuse to help, you may find yourself facing further charges. At the very least, those two years of your sentence currently suspended will be enforced."

Finding himself once more between a rock and a hard place, Severus wanted to rage at the injustice of this. The fact that he'd been a model prisoner from the day and hour he'd been dumped in this shithole apparently just counted for nothing. He was now being held accountable for something Dumbledore had practically ordered him to do, and he'd actually almost forgotten all about. Sometimes, fate just had it in for him.

"If I do help, what's in it for me?"

Anticipating this argument, Albus had discussed this specific scenario with Amelia on their way to Azkaban. "Save this boy's life and I'm positive we can at least waive those extra two years, with a distinct possibility of early release. You do realise however that working in Britain again wouldn't really be an option?"

Having worked that out the same day he'd been sentenced, Severus only nodded.

"If the boy dies, I'm afraid the future is looking bleak for both of us. I understand this is not your fault, rather a miscalculation on my part. I will state that very fact in court but I fear, should the worse happen, the student's death would have a terrible effect on everyone involved."

Suddenly having a horrendous thought, Severus just had to ask the question that popped into his head. "This boy who drank the poison, is it Potter?"

"Severus, I'm disappointed that information would make a difference to your decision. Let me categorically state that the boy in question is not Harry Potter. I'll give you a magical oath to that effect if you so wish." Albus had no intention of telling Severus any details of what happened tonight, and Amelia agreed he would be kept incommunicado while working on this.

Knowing the complexity of Severus' potions, Albus had to concede that a simple bezoar wouldn't save Ronald Weasley. The boy would also be dead long before any other potions master could begin to decipher what specific poisons he had actually drank. Albus really didn't want to consider the possibility that the boy might have consumed more than one. If that were to be the case, then even Severus' great skill might not be enough to save Molly and Arthur's youngest son.

Although he was taking a few minutes to supposedly make his mind up, both wizards in that cell understood Severus really didn't have a decision to make. The mere chance of early release - balanced against the absolute certainty of at least another two years added to his sentence - ensured Severus Snape was going to do his utmost to save this stupid Gryffindor.

"I'm assuming we won't be doing any brewing in this cell?"

"If you're agreeable, we'll leave at once for St. Mungo's."

Severus stood and walked out of his cell, hopefully for the last time.


With the senior staff being up all night, and the defence professor being dead, classes were canceled on Friday. Since exams had finished yesterday, this was looked upon by the students as a welcome break. That was until Lavender and Parvati began to spread throughout the school the epic story of what had actually taken place last night.

Harry and Hermione grabbed the twins for a quiet chat, only to discover McGonagall had already told them Ron was in a bad way. He'd been transferred to St. Mungo's and both their parents were now keeping a vigil by his bedside. Harry tried to apologise for not getting to Ron quickly enough but the twins were having none of it.

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