The Wedding Night

Start from the beginning

"Do you trust me, Kitten?"

I nodded. He laid my legs on either of his shoulders, placing a small kiss to each calf. I thought he was going to continue where he left off, but he didn't. He situated himself between my legs and pushed every glorious inch of his member into me.

"God, Donna you're tight."

"Have- haven't had sex... since you."

He looked both baffled and pleased. "Well Kitten, I'm going to show you what you missed out on."

And man, did he show me. Several times, one of which was in the shower. It was kind of surprising that we had that much sex. Especially, since I'm thirty-seven and Sam is thirty-nine. Who would've thought that when you're older, your sex drive could be more than that of a teenager's? Not that I am complaining- because I'm not.


I woke up the next morning to my stomach growling. All that activity last night made me starving. Since Sam was still sound asleep, I decided to get dressed and go make something for us to eat. I chose to forego any underwear and just slipped on a dark blue colored sundress that went down to my knees, before leaving to go to the kitchen.

Twenty minutes later, I was putting some eggs, toast, and bacon on two plates. I jumped a little bit when two muscular arms circled my waist and a kiss was pressed to my neck. I relaxed instantly once I realised who the arms belonged to.

"I woke up and you weren't there." Sam mumbled in a husky voice.

"Sorry, babe. After all of our activities last night, I woke up starving. Figured I would make us something to eat."

"What're your plans afterwards?"

I took a bite out of my toast before answering. "Honestly? My plan was to do some much needed paperwork, since Soph's gone and th- our wedding is over."

"Why don't we go on a honeymoon after you finish with your work?"

I've never thought of going on a honeymoon. I suppose it would be nice to go on one. It would also be nice to get a reprieve from doing work around the villa.

"That sounds fun. Where did you have in mind?"

"Well," Sam answered, "I have to make a stop in New York to check on my kids, Max and Layla. Maybe after, or before then, we could go somewhere else. Your choice."

I took into consideration the places I've been while on tour with the Dynamos. Honestly, I'm not sure where I'd want to go. I know for sure, not somewhere tropical because I live in a tropical area. Maybe just New York would be a good place?

"Well, I've been many places with the Dynamos. I don't want to be somewhere tropical, considering I live somewhere tropical. Maybe we could just stay in New York? I haven't been there in twenty-two years."

"If that's what you want, Kitten. We can take my private jet from Athens to New York, then go to my house. You won't need to pack anything, I want to spoil you and take you on a shopping spree."

"You... you have a private jet?" I was shocked. I knew he had money, but not that much.

"Yeah, my dad gave it to me once I took over the architectural firm. Said that every proper businessman needs one," he paused to sip his coffee, "a waste of money, if you ask me. However, it has it's occasional perks. Speaking of which, ever heard of the mile high club?"

"I have. Though I've never joined."

"Just wait and see, you're going to love it."

I shivered in anticipation of what lay ahead. Sam must have seen my shiver because he gave me a knowing look. A knowing look that was also filled with lust. Our bedroom is three floors up and I didn't have patience to go all of the way up there, when I needed and wanted him now.

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