How they found you

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Sonic Exe
○He found you sitting alone by yourself.
○He tried to ask for your name but you couldn't talk yet
○He would have killed you by now but it wouldn't be worth it.
○He walks around, asking people if they have seen your parents.
○He stopped on the way to get you guys icecream.
○He gave up and took you in instead.

Lord X
○Like Sonic exe he found you sitting by yourself.
○He wanted to capture your soul but then he realized that you were just a child.
○He picked you up and like Sonic exe, asked if anyone has seen your parents
○After all the searching he happily took you in.

○You were waddling in the dark forest by yourself until you found him
○Like Sonic exe he asked for your name but you couldn't talk yet
○Found you so adorable
○ He wanted to have infinite fun with you.
○It took him long to realize that you were all alone and that you had no parents.
○Happily took you in

○You were an uninvited guest to his party
○ When he found you he didn't care and told you to dance with him. Only catch is that you didn't know how to dance.
○Just like Majin it took him long to realize that you were by yourself with no parents
○Took you in anyway cause why not?

(Correct me if I'm wrong. I dont know much about this man)
○He was about to murder some idiot one day until he felt a tug on his leg
○It was you
○He got annoyed, gently pushed you off and started walking
○ You ran over to him and proceeded to hold his leg again
○Fleetway:Agh!What do you want from me?!
Fleetway: Don't you even have parents to bother?
○Dumbass. You cant talk yet
○Picked you up and asked everyone if they have seen your parents
○After all that trouble he gave up.
○You still follow him wherever he goes

Sanic exe
○Was gonna run over some people today but stopped in his tracks when he saw you.
○ Took him awhile to find out that you were by yourself.
○He felt bad that your parents left you alone and swore that if he finds them he would run them over 50 times.
○He took you without asking anyone cause yes.

Frickin done with this chapter! More coming soon so yea.

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