Chapter 5: Thrice Defied Him

Start from the beginning

When Voldemort took over the ministry, their shop was burned to the ground - thankfully without them inside it. To add a touch of irony, that was the same picture Voldemort's ministry had been using in their search for Harry before she'd brought them back in time. This time it was going to be different.

It was a very happy couple who left the great hall and headed for Dumbledore's office.


Albus couldn't miss their grins as both Harry and Hermione entered his office. "Are you that pleased to be missing transfiguration? Professor McGonagall will be so disappointed…"

"No, Sir, we just had breakfast with Fred and George Weasley. You can't be in their company and not smile, it's an impossibility."

"Ah Harry, I feel your head of house might disagree with that - though I certainly do see your point. I'd like to thank you two for coming. I assume you know why I asked to speak with you both? I am rather anxious that our two star first year students don't leave Hogwarts."

"Well, Sir, that's mainly going to be up to you."

The headmaster was left looking perplexed at Harry before Hermione explained. "I've been teaching Harry occlumency but we hit a problem. Basically, Harry simply refuses to block my mental probes. This has left us needing to have his mental shields examined by someone else..."

Albus caught on at once, and was amazed at the trust he was being shown here. "You want me to check Harry's shields?"

"Harry has a strong mental construct, which you could obviously breech if you really tried. We need a gauge of just how strong that construct is, we're trusting you to get that information for us. Harry though is skilled enough now to know just how far you delve into his mind..."

It didn't need to be said by any of them what would happen if Dumbledore did that, Harry's comment it was up to Albus whether the couple stayed at Hogwarts or not now made perfect sense.

"I feel honoured that you would trust me with this task, and promise to do my very best not to betray that trust."

Realising that any other conversations they would have this morning depended on what happened after he probed Harry's mind, Dumbledore removed his wand and Harry indicated he was ready. Albus then entered a world like none he had ever seen before.

The mindscape facing him was a living entity, but this was no recognisable creature - more a shapeless organism. When working with his old friend Nicolas on dragon blood all those years ago, Albus had been introduced to the workings of a microscope. While this mindscape reminded him of that experience, the scale and detail here was far beyond anything he had witnessed from using that little brass instrument.

Deciding he was here to test Harry's defences, rather than admire them, Albus pushed forward into this organism. He had barely passed through the membrane that was the beginning of Harry's outer defence when he found himself being attacked from all sides. His attackers were about the size of bludgers, though soft and squishy rather than cannonball hard. While the attack was in no way painful, Albus felt the effects at once. Each 'sponge like' attacker that attached itself to him immediately began draining the magical energy behind his probe. While Albus was contemplating what his next move should be, his probe was overwhelmed by the sheer number of attackers and the headmaster faded out of Harry's mind.

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