Chapter 4: Leader of the Light

Start from the beginning

His future self had obviously trusted Miss Granger enough to not only train her in occlumency, but probably revealed his greatest secrets to the girl as well. He would have to trust her now, just as Harry clearly did. She obviously loved Harry, and Albus was positive that love was the power behind her decision to leap into the past. That she brought Harry with her astonished Albus, both from the magical power required to complete the ritual and the incredibly complex calculations needed in her preparations. This was why he was so certain the girl's own studies wouldn't be affected by tutoring Harry. He didn't know how far back in time they'd travelled but Albus suspected Miss Granger could probably teach at Hogwarts, never mind pass her first year exams.

They entered the infirmary to be faced with an infuriated Severus, a Severus who had obviously decided attack was the best form of defence. "Once again, I have had to take members of my house to the infirmary. I would like to hear what's going to be done about this. I already know Saint Potter won't be blamed for anything."

The potions professor had totally misjudged the situation though, he was facing a headmaster who was in no mood for his theatrics. "Since you were in the corridor for the entire incident, I'm sure you already know Harry did nothing other than verbally respond to taunts aimed at him and Miss Granger. You need not worry about the Slytherins in the infirmary, they are no longer your responsibility. Your participation in that ambush today was behaviour that flies in the face of everything a head of house should stand for. I am removing that responsibility from you, and also adding a two week suspension from Hogwarts. I would advise you to use that time to look at your life and consider some of the choices you have made - especially lately."

It took a shocked Severus a few moments to get the words he wanted out, his mouth was moving but no legible sound was passing his lips. "You can't do this to me!"

"I can, and I just have. I will of course release you from any oaths you may have made to me. Should you wish to contest my decision, a school board meeting would need to be called. Please let me know if this is what you want to do, I'm sure I could arrange one before the end of the week."

"Of course I want to protest this decision. You are taking the word of a couple first years over a head of house, just because one of them is Potter…"

"I haven't spoken with Mister Potter or Miss Granger regarding this incident. I interviewed your Slytherins and reached this decision after discussing what took place this morning with my deputy. You seem determined to blame Mister Potter for everything, Severus, but this situation is entirely of your own making. I will contact the school board and schedule a meeting, you will be informed by owl of the date and time. Please excuse us, we have another two students to deal with." Albus stood firm and left Severus with no option other than to leave the infirmary. They then approached the two boys Poppy had lying on beds.

"Mister Goyle, this is your second offence so you will receive a week's detention working with Professor Sprout in her greenhouses. Mister Malfoy, I can't express how disappointed I am in you and your behaviour. You will receive two weeks' detentions working with Mister Filch."

"What? Never! When my father hears about this…"

"I intend that one of the first tasks our new head of Slytherin undertakes will be to inform your parents of your disgusting behaviour, and the punishment you received for it. Should your parents then wish to remove you from Hogwarts, that is of course their choice. Otherwise, you will report to Mister Filch every night after dinner for the next two weeks. Perhaps this will stay your hand from drawing your wand in future. If not, there are further measures that can be taken to ensure that lesson is learned. Do not test me on this, Mister Malfoy. Changes are coming to Hogwarts, those who don't like them are welcome to leave."

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