Chapter 25 : SWITZERLANT PT.2

Start from the beginning

'You look so cute,' I said while laughing and ask him to get in.
'And you prepared a lot,' I continued again while sitting on the bed, and pat the bed, asking him to sit next to me.
'And ramyeon is a must food during a cold weather,' I said again while checking on other foods that he bought.
'I know and I prepared the other foods as well since we have time till morning,' He said and quickly prepare the ramyeon for us.
'When did you prepare all these?' I asked, curiously.
'This morning. I called the hotel and book the car. Then I told the driver who sent the car just now to help me find clothes and foods for us, I paid him extra,'
'Of course you have to, he worked extra for you,'
'I actually know him, his brother worked for my family company and he is the one who recommend this car rental company,'
'Ahh, no wonder. It's so easy to get a contact when you own a big company right,'
'Yes and it helps me to prepare it perfectly for you,' He agreed and give me a peck on my cheek before focusing back on his ramyeon.

'What time would you like to go back to Interlaken tomorrow?' Ximen asked after I stay quite, trying to find a suitable movie in netflix for us to watch together.
'Uhm how about not going back at all?' I tease him.
'Sounds amazing,' He agreed and laugh. Then he took a seat beside me and hand me my cup of ramyeon.

We both decided to watch a quite place and it's a perfect combination with ramyeon and hot chocolate. I'm usually not a fan of horror movie like this, I definitely will scream asking the character to run faster or hide properly while stomping my feet but with Ximen beside me, I know this kind of movie is the best decission. As I expected, I did what I always did, can never stay quite, and Ximen only laugh whenever I rant or scream. After a few times of screaming, and mind cursing myself to shut up, Ximen pulled me into his hug, and I was totally in shocked, didn't expect that to happen. I hug him back and I can feel his warm breath on my neck.
'It's snowing,' He whispers that gave me chills but my eyes immediately look out through the window to see snowfalls.
'So beautiful,' I said. It's our first snow together .
'It's saying that if during the first snow and we are being with someone we love, we will stay together for a long time,' Ximen said while looking at me in the eyes. I can feel his warm passionate stare, showing that he means every words.
'Yea I heard about that too,' I respond.
'You are the person that I love,' He said.
'I love you,'
'I love you so much,' He continues.
While looking at him in the eyes, I straight away lean closer to him and unite our lips. The kiss was gentle, we both enjoying and savouring every moments of it. It was a long kiss to express how we appreciate each other so much, and how important both of us to each other. Ximen broke the kiss first while still looking at me in the eyes and controlling his breath. I lean to him again, asking for more of him that I know I can never get enough. Slowly, the kiss become more, and we both want more. We let the cold night with beautiful snow outside help us to demand for more from each other. He took his shirt off, followed by mine and still trying to not break the kiss. I can feel his warm body and I like it immediately. He feels right and he feels love. For that moment, we let our feelings spoke for us and control us, without having any regret.



I woke up when my alarm is blaring. I quickly turn it off before Xia wakes up and take a moment to look at her. She is the most amazing girl I had ever met and I didn't regret anything last night. She makes me feel worth and letting myself to love her is the best decission I did. Then I can feel she scoot her body closer to mine, probably looking for the heat from my body. It's so cold, and I wrap her bare body with blanket before hugging her tightly. I wish we can always stay like this. It feels so good to be able to be genuinely happy and in love again. Xia is the one who make me feel like this, she is the special one. I treasure every moment with her, and I want her by my side all the time. I admire and fall in love with every single detail things about her. She makes me feel all those feelings that I haven't get the chance to feel before. She's actually driving me crazy and I want to be crazier if it means by having her in my life.

I give her a kiss on her forehead. Slowly, she open her eyes and look at me before giving me her precious smile.
'Good morning love,' I wish.
'Good morning. How long have you been awake?' She ask, still laying on the bed and wrapping her hands on my arm.
'About 20 minutes,' I said.
'Uhm. So early. I'm so cold,' She said.
'Its 10am, not so early anymore. We need to get ready, I booked a place for lunch,' I said, another suprise for her.
'Really? I'm hungry,' She said and I laugh. Of course she is hungry after last night.
'I'm going to go back to my room and get ready. I'll meet you here later,' I said and slipping into my pyjama. I even willing to wear this cute pyjama for her.
'You can get ready here,' She said, unexpectedly.
'If you want,' She continues and I know she just wanted to cover her embarassment.
'I'll bring my stuffs here,' I said and walked out from her room, with a big grin on my face, starting to love her clingy morning mood.

Well, I tried my very best for this chapter. Hope you guys love it. Xoxo


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