Chapter 2: Gandalf and the Grouch

Start from the beginning

"Mister Potter, You and Mister Weasley have been friends since you both got here."

"As I just told you, Ma'am, I have no memory of where here even is. I just watched my girlfriend wave a little stick in the air to save me from whatever this beast happens to be, I'm pretty freaked out at the moment."

This saw all but Snape gasp in astonishment, though Minerva found her voice first. "Mister Potter, You don't remember about magic? You don't know you're a wizard?"

He looked to Hermione for how to play this, she of course didn't disappoint. "You're a wizard, Harry, and a powerful one." Just like last night, her hand was on his cheek as she told him that. Also like last night, Harry leaned into her touch.

Hermione was ecstatic that she had managed to throw them both back in time. That his scar was the same as older Harry's also gave her hope the horcrux had been eliminated when they impressed on their younger selves. That his memories hadn't restored was not a surprise, at best it had been a fifty-fifty shot. This set-back was compensated for by the date of their arrival, it really could have been anytime in their first year of Hogwarts. That they had arrived on Halloween of their first year was the best she could have hoped for. Harry only had two months of lessons to catch up on and nothing too major had happened yet. Hermione would reconsider that last thought in the morning.

"That troll had me trapped, Harry. You tried to distract it and then jumped on its back to save me. Your wand is actually still stuck up its nose. Do you think you can stand up now?"

Hermione helped her shaky boyfriend to his feet, a harsh glance from Harry in Ron's direction indicated he needed no help from there.

As Hermione tried to pull Harry's wand out of the troll's left nostril, the creature gave a low moan. As she jerked the wand clear, McGonagall and Snape both hit the troll with stunners to ensure it wasn't getting back up anytime soon.

Since Severus now had his wand in his hand, he decided to end this farce once and for all. A low powered legillimens would tell him exactly what Potter was up to.

Hermione cast a cleaning charm on the piece of holly, with a feather from Fawkes encased in it, before handing the wand over to Harry. The wand bonding with its master provided a light show like none of them had ever seen before as Harry's body was instantly bathed in magical energy. That this was the same instant Snape chose to launch his attack was unfortunate - unfortunate for the potions master that is.

As magic flooded through his body, Harry's head tilted back as he let a loud roar out - and so much more. Snape was blasted back into the bathroom wall, sliding down to the floor only to find a golden stag standing there waiting on him. Prongs lowered his noble head and pushed forward with those magnificent antlers, a glowing tip spearing into Snape's arm - directly on his dark mark.

His scream of intense pain rang throughout the castle, and this time Quirrell really did pass out.

As Harry's light show and glow faded, so did Prongs. He opened his eyes to see even more casualties on the bathroom floor. "That was some headrush, what happened to them?"

Hermione took his arm, to offer reassurance and keep Harry from swaying on his feet. "You remember I said you were a powerful wizard, do you believe me now?"

"I'll never doubt you again."

Minerva was standing in a wrecked girls' bathroom. Two professors and a troll were on the floor injured or unconscious while Ronald Weasley was trying to melt into a wall so as not to be noticed - and those weren't even the worst of her problems. She was saved from having to act by Albus and Filius racing into the bathroom, though Harry's comment left her not knowing what to say.

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