so i'm assuming he's not just a slow texter...” victoria slowly catches on and alice nods.

you see, he used to text me every day when he left. like, whenever he had the chance he would text or call me. and now i don't get any texts at all. just left on seen or even delivered.” alice continues, feeling a weight lift off of her shoulders. “but the thing is; i don't understand what i did to him. because i can't think of anything i've done recently that could have made him mad at me. i tried talking to him about it once but he said it's all in my head and that he's been pretty busy and that i'm tripping.

victoria listened to alice's story closely, growing more and more concerned about the brunette's state.

alice... has it ever crossed your mind that maybe he is the problem and not you?

but how could he be the problem? i mean it's understandable he's got so much stuff to do with uni and with work and—

sorry for interrupting but look at me. i am running around almost all day every day to rehearse, write, compose, attend meetings and all that. but even if i do all that i still get some free time to spend with the boys or with you or with chilli or anyone else.” victoria cuts in. her words capture alice's attention in seconds and the blue eyed girl is focused on what she has to say. “what i'm saying is, despite my heavy program, i still have time to talk to the people i care about.

so you mean that he doesn't care about me?” alice is getting her defences up and victoria is quick to water down the tension.

i don't know if he doesn't care about you, but you should seriously consider the case of you being gaslighted by him.

alice opens her mouth, ready to defend luca, but instead she closes it again. she dozes off for a few seconds, chewing nervously on her thumb as she processed everything victoria had put on the table so easily.

can you define gaslighting?” she finally says.

well basically it's when someone makes you feel like you're the one to blame for their mistakes. and sometimes convince you that you know nothing and they know everything, therefore they're always right and you're always wrong.

alice goes quiet again.

as much as she hates to admit it, victoria might be right. not once in their relationship has luca admitted his own mistakes. not once has he tried to reassure her. when she's worried about something concerning their relationship or their relationships with others, he would always tell her that she's crazy and that none of the stuff she says is actually happening.

so i am right?” victoria says, her tone soft.

alice looks back at her, feeling some unavoidable tears well up in her blue eyes.
victoria scoots closer to her new friend and puts her hand on the girl's shoulder.

alice leans on the bassist and cries silent tears, her shoulders shaking from time to time.
victoria lets her take it all out.

can you please... hold me for a second?” alice asks, her voice so quiet victoria almost didn't hear her.

of course.” the blonde says and wraps her arms around alice.

when she's done crying, she slowly pulls away from victoria's embrace, even if she hated doing so, and wiped away the remaining tears staining her red cheeks.

grazie.” she says and her heart flutters when she sees victoria smile reassuringly. “i'm sorry for staining your shirt. and for crying in your arms like a baby.

victoria looks down at her t-shirt, where two small, round wet stains are and shrugs.
it'll dry eventually.” they both chuckle.

no i am seriously so sorry. i mean it was probably so weird to have someone you barely know cry in your arms the second time you meet, isn't it?” alice starts to overthink. countless scenarios start running in her mind. and in all of them, she either gets yelled at or left behind.

i really didn't mind, alice.” victoria puts her hand on alice's shoulder again, rubbing it softly with her thumb.

yeah but i shouldn't have cried in front of you!


because no one wants to see that. especially you.

who told you that?




this is an official luca hate club now.

𝙜𝙝𝙤𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙙. || victoria de angelis✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora