0. Exulansis or a Nobody

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[M's POV]

6 months ago

Its been a while since she's has been waiting in the lounge . Or in life.
Still trying to figure out how everything went to a holocaust in her life. Funny thing, she thought it was all planned out when she was 19.
Man did she fall in love deeply madly and truly with her best friend . She knows it's cliché but that's why these things happen.
Its ok not to be someone special. If everyone was special, who'd be unique then?
She was amused how logically she could justify all her failures.
She'd been dumped coz of her name. Twice now. By her "friend" of high school.
Two weeks of sobbing herself to sleep. She remembers how easily her Pole Star ( that's a cringy name to address her first love ,she thought now,Jeez, how cheesy) let her down . It's all in a name.

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