Chapter 6- Threats

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Narcissa cried into Seveus who comforted her. Draco also comforted " let me kill him" Adrielle said while trying to float out of Draco's grip. " No, let mom calm down." " Severus why did he, I stayed loyal, I didn't do anything wrong." " No, you didn't mom, some people are just terrible" Adrielle said comforting her mom.

Adrielle lightly hivered over the floor and began to write up the divorce mentally until it was fully settled. " Sign this" Narcissa dried her tears and began to read over it before signing it. Adrielle began to make really loud noises. " Why in the world are you being so loud." " Mom tell him" Adrielle said calmly.

" I want a divorce due to my soul binding and you cheating." Narcissa firmly stated " Narcissa you know I love you, how can yo-" " You cheated on her Lucius I respected you as a man and you cheated on her" Severus said the words cut him deep and shocked Narcissa.

Adrielle pulled Draco off and to his room. Adrielle began to pack, " What's going to happen?" " You'll stay with one parent either some of the time or all of the time." " Will I- will I be a orphan." " Offensive but no" " Where will we stay?" " Your mothers old home, with my soul dad, something." " What about you?" " I have to go back to the orphanage but that will work itself out." Adrielle shared.

Draco pouted " what if Snape adopts you?" " You might as well call him dad" Adrielle said. Draco hushed up because he did make the mistake all the time. " My mom doesn't- she couldn't- she wouldn't" " oh yeah she does, she can, and she will." Adrielle said to Draco." Is that everything?" Draco looked around after zipping his bag. " Yeah, will I have to you know change my name?" " Not necessarily" " Oh well I can't complain."

Adrielle and Draco walked down the hall the yelling echoing into their ears. Draco couldn't believe the words. " Your just a baby momma, and a attention whore." Draco grew angry as the walls began to shake. Draco walked ( mikelson walked) down the hall. Behind him glowed eyes of death. They synchronized while walking even their breathing was insync.

They arrived bringing forth blades. " Your a whore, a sl-" the women screamed as Draco brung the knife deep into her leg. A pain corsed through her as a finger sent her into the wall.

" Children reframe from your tho-" Narcissa said to which Severus just floated them over locking them in magic binds. Draco glared while Adrielle brung down the chandelier on the woman the fire danced into a person. It approached the women about to burn her. " Enough, Adrielle Nyx, enough" Severus scolded.

Adrielle froze the fire and retured it to the chandelier which she fixed. " LEAVE AND DON'T EVER RETURN" Lucius yelled a cold washed over as the binds around Adrielle snapped. Adrielle ran into the arms of the ghost. " I missed you." " As did I, serpentine."

Lucius fearfully stared at the presence. " We agreed no bind breaking, did we not?" " They made me angry" " well then let me handle that." Tom's ghost presence turned into a humanish form whch was more solid. His shoes tapped the floor his 6th year self present. " Do you want to die, you dare yell at her, you dare anger me?" " No my lord, I lost my temper it's my mistake." Narcissa held Draco who peaked at Tom and Adrielle who gave the three a reassuring smile.

" Severus, you are to figure out a way to adopt Adrielle before her first year begins and do so." " Yes my lord" Severus bowed. " Narcissa you are allowed to use my property to live off of. Draco you are t-" " Draco is to do nothing" Tom sighed. " As you wish Serpentine." " I see you got a assortment of things." Adrielle nodded. Tom walked near her.

" I'll be taking her back, if any of them are hurt you'll be dead, Lucius" Tom calmed down grabbing Adrielle's things. Draco dashed behind them. " Adrielle your book" Adrielle smiled a bit and took it and a hug. " Thanks Draco" Draco nodded before leaving.

Adrielle felt her shoes lightly tap the floor. " I'm suprised you can summon me." " I thought of my safe space, I wanted to go back to it or bring it to me. That safe space was you" Adrielle admitted before sealing her mouth and going to her and Tom's shared room.

Adrielle sensed the muggles at the door listening. All they heard was silence. They burst the door open to find Adrielle setting on her bed while reading a book she had stole. " Witch" " Hag" "freak" they yelled before dashing away.

Tom laughed and shifted into them " I'm a idiot" " I'm pathetic" " I'm a family embarrassment " he said. Making Adrielle laugh. " I like your teeth smile it's gorgeous." " Your the only to ever see it in full." Tom was proud to know he would have her first everything. No guy would get close enough to stop him from being her first everything. He was her first loved one, first hug, first smile, first fist bump, first fight, first teacher, first spirit friend, first introduction to magic, first boyfriend, only husband, and so much more.

Adrielle snuggled into Tom and kept reading. He kissed her forehead " sleep well" he whispered inside her ear before marking the page and casting the pillow spell. He smiled as he was dragged to the ceiling and cuddled up to.

Your head where his heart would be. A grumble alerted him " why do you have no heartbeat?" " It's sealed in one of my horcruxes I can't remember which one." " I want it back, I'll get it back, then when I cuddle I can hear your heart and you'll be warmer." " I'd give up my magical identity if that's what you required." Adrielle blushed deeply. " I hope your not a lair to me Tom, that would be to painful to live with." " You know me, you know my curse, you know my past, present, and you'll be my future. You know me as I know you." Adrielle rested easy with those words.

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