Epilogue: The Eyes to rewrite all

Start from the beginning

DIO: Interesting... So you really managed to kill him... Even after I personally send him after you...

"But that's where you made your mistake, DIO. SO let me retrace all from the beginning... Since neither you nor I are from this reality."

"You destroyed everything... Killed everyone... You said it yourself, in the reality you're from, you attained Heaven and exterminated the Joestars... But you weren't complete just yet... You needed something that you couldn't obtain there... The parts of the Holy Corpse, that could only be found in the Base Reality. So you traveled there... Unknowingly bringing two little pests with you..."

DIO: So that's how... Speedwagon... But you didn't have a stand back there, did you ?

"Correct. But let's proceed in order. Your... Well, our arrival threw the timeline here in disarray, causing the Corpse parts to activate, creating bridges through space and time... Speedwagon used it to warn everyone about you, and your powers... But it wasn't enough. Even with the entirety of the Joestar lineage united, your strength was far beyond what any of us could've imagined... Over Heaven, the ability to rewrite reality itself. And in the end, they knew this reality would fall too."

"That's where they came up with an idea... using the last Corpse part still in their possession, they tried to awaken my own stand in a last ditch effort. These parts are known to grant power, yes... But to those that are seen worthy."

DIO: So why... Such a trembling child, with no spirit, not even worth killing ! So how ?! How did you awaken a stand ?!

"There is more than just the will to fight... In this desperation... What was needed was not to fight... But something that would be able to defeat you, no matter what... And that is what was created. The stand to fight and destroy all stands, [DARK VOID] !!"

DIO: Then, using Valentine's D4C, they managed to sent you to yet another reality... What I don't understand, is how Valentine didn't find you right away...

"Easy. You believed they would send me around the time you and Jotaro battled. But they sent me way back. They knew I couldn't do anything as I was, so I needed time... Time to grow, to mature, until the day I would be ready... Something that even an entire life could not achieve. Thus come... The curse of my blood, and Dark Void's very essence... The End for a New Beginning."

*Dark Void's hidden ability: Soul succession.

As the embodiment of a complete cycle, Dark Void is passed from father to son, indefinitely. Through it, the father's soul is slowly consumed, protecting the mother and child from any misfortune, and soon imprinting itself as a whole into the baby. Soul, abilities, appearance, memories... Everything is passed on, over and over.*

"Just to start all over again... 4 generations were needed, in order to remove your evil from the roots. In this next reality, the one to put a final end to everything was me."

DIO: Everything, you say... What happened to Pucci...

"Why don't you come and figure that one yourself ?"

DIO: Hmph. Here to play the hero, in the end. You will fall just like the rest of them.

"Don't misjudge me. I may be here to put you back in the grave you came from... But I'm in no way a hero. I'm simply another monster you created. Now come at me, DIO ! Let me show you how much I've grown since then !"

DIO: If you insist ! I will crush you just like the rest of them ! Cower in fear in front of my newfound power ! [THE WORLD: OVER HEAVEN] !!

"... Dark Void..."


"Well, what's wrong ? Aren't you going to attack ? Come on, I'm waiting."

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