Mermay because why not

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Siren Moon and hybrid Mermaid/Siren Sun.

In this world, mythical creatures exist but are hard to come by. Large ones such as griffins and dragons are endangered but smaller creatures are more common. Large ones are protected by many due to how endangered they are.

The exceptions are marine mythical creatures as they often live too deep to actually be in danger or protected. Sirens and mermaids are separate species but can produce young together. All of them are related to marine life and are more animal than human. As a result, they are only second to humans due to their animalistic behavior.

They are given rights but it's only in cases where they live WITH humans. If they live in the sea, they can do as they please. I'll be talking about how sirens and mermaids work so you can skip past it for the Siren! Moon and Sun.


Sirens look the most animalistic and closer to their marine counterparts. Anglerfish, shark, and barracuda based sirens are more common than others. It's actually kinda rare to see a siren that's not one of these three. Despite their commonality, those three are the most desired in their community as they represent strength, speed, and cunning.

They create nests in the darker areas of the ocean, digging into rocks or using random material to create a nest. Deeper into the ocean where whales and giant squid live is a huge risk so many sirens look for nest between this area, and the ocean many fish live in.

They are solitary creatures that only live in pairs when they have found their mate and are monogamous. They usually lay a clutch of up to five eggs that usually hatch up to two hatchlings.

One anatomical detail surrounding sirens is how the females are always bigger than males, hermaphrodites are uncommon but when born, they are almost always sterile due to mutations making it impossible for the testicles and uterus to form properly. When hermaphrodites do reproduce, the young rarely make it past the egg stage and when they do, they are usually hermaphrodites or whatever sex the pther parent is. That's all I have for Sirens, on to Mermaids!


Mermaids are similar to the popular rendition, just more fishlike than expected. They live in small communities and warm waters, hiding in large coral reefs, burrows, and some based on clownfish, grow large patches of mutated anemone that grow much larger than normal.

They are most based on fish that live in groups such as clownfish, tetra fish, and the largest, orcas. It's rare to see these large mermaids but when they are seen, they are often covered in battle scars and are solitary or live in a familial pod.

An anatomical detail for them is that males are larger than females unless the fish have large females. They like to sing and are the real culprits of the siren myths but due to people assuming mermaids are more human, sirens get the blame.

Now for Moon and Sun!

Moon is a trans anglerfish siren. Before anyone riots, this is due to the fact that male anglerfish are tiny and latch onto the female, constantly impregnating her. Male anglerfish sirens are similar but they are nearly extinct in this due to constant mixing.

Moon is, of course, a highly desired siren as he grows in beautiful moon based colors, even his little dangle thing backwards, making it look like his nightcap. He's covered in a few scars but that only shows his strength. Surprisingly for most male sirens, Moon is already mates with a bubbly, bright colored mermaid-siren hybrid that is mistaken for a lionfish siren.

Sun is an orca mermaid/lemon shark siren hybrid. Due to how mixed he is and the mutations from being a hybrid, he has erythrism, rendering the black on his scales/skin a more maroon color, with lighter areas being a dark red and he had developed yellow stripes on his body that are only faintly visible in the maroon of his body.

That is most of the time. When he's trying to attract Moon or is experiencing strong emotions, they glow vibrantly, they still aren't sure where this ability to glow vibrant colors came from.

The two of them live in a siren based den that is bordering warm waters due to Sun needing more oxygen filled water than Moon.

I'm bordering on making it so they have hatchlings but that feels weird and I'd feel like I'm pulling a Draikinator and just want to make sure people don't mind.

That is all I have for MerMay

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