(S2E18) Jailbreak

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Anthony led Skylar, Ace, and Rose to the Agency building. He gulped, knowing he would have to hide the fact that it was an Agency instead of a research building, but if they took a specific route, things would go swimmingly.

As they walked, Skylar walked at a bit of a distance from Rose, who had noticed this a while ago. Ace looked between the girls with a sigh, deciding to not interject in their conflict.

"So where exactly would Winter's file be?" Ace spoke up, trying to break up the tension.

Anthony looked up to the building, "About three floors up, that window right there."

He pointed at a window on the third floor of the building.

"Then why don't we just climb up the side?" Skylar asked.

"And what would we use to do that?" Anthony asked, "Going up without using anything would be suicide."

The Sylveon wore a cheeky smile as she pointed to a lift other Pokémon would use to clean windows.

"Oh man..." Ace gulped.

With Cecelia

"We've been discovered. Going dark."

The Espeon's eyes widened as she heard that single sentence from Spark, "Already? Damn!"

"What's wrong?" Justin, who was waiting at the front door, asked.

Cecelia sighed, "Spark's been caught, we need to go in through the window."

"He got caught? Is he being reckless?" The Lucario wondered as they went to the window once more, "Or were they expecting us to come or something?"

The two entered through the window.

"No matter, for now we need to find Dan and capture Pyro."

Justin nodded, "Right, let's go to the basement."

As they headed towards a nearby staircase, the two heard noise from the main corridor. It was Spark and Tyler, who were prepared to fight.

"You're definitely not the mailman," The Flareon with the red hoodie spoke, looking between them.

"Hey..." Spark's arms suddenly fell to his sides, "Do you know a Glaceon named Winter?"

"No, I know no Winter..." The Flareon spoke, "I do know an Alice, though."

Tyler flinched at this while Spark's pupils shook.

The floor below Spark cracked as his eyes turned a bright yellow, "Who are you?"

The Flareon smirked to himself, "The name's Burn, you?"

"Your worst nightmare!!" Spark shouted before dashing forward in a bolt of light to try and use his combat knife to cut him.

Burn swiftly avoided the attack, "A little aggressive for a mailman, aren't you?"

"Shut up!!" The Jolteon dashed at him again with his heightened speed and swung his knife at Burn, only for it to be avoided each time he tried.

"He hasn't even gone for the vitals yet... Is he really trying to kill me or not?"

Burn avoided one more attack before quickly punching Spark's face, making him slide back.

Tyler, meanwhile, watched with wide eyes, "Spark's Supercharge isn't as potent... Is it because he's losing his senses...?"

Burn began walking towards Spark, "You know, you're not really much of a good killer–"

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