Spin the Bottle

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Izzie walks into the exam room where Tony, Clint and Bruce are. "Hey bird boy how ya feeling?" Izzie asks as she sits on the end of the table Clint is laying on.
"I'll be alright, Little bird, I'm just sore." Clint says reaching a hand out to hers, reassuring her.
"Chai, did you show the twins around and to their rooms?" Tony walks back in after taking off his suit.
"Yea, pop I did. Do we know if they have powers?"
Bruce walks up, "The boy is fast, and the girl is a witch, she can move things, and can get into people's minds right Tony?" Bruce peers over his glasses at Tony with a slight smirk.
" Yes. Bruce she can." Tony replied aggravated. "Chai, let everyone know we will have a party tomorrow night to welcome, the Maximoff twins."
"Sure Pop, do you mind if Nat, Wanda and myself go shopping for dresses?" Izzie asked hopefully.
" Yes Chai, make sure your two favorite body guards with you, take Pietro too, I'm sure he needs a suit too." Izzie kisses her dad on the cheek, "thanks dad."

Izzie walks back into the main room, "Thor have you seen Bucky or Steve?"
"Ah Izzie, I think they are in the kitchen." "Thanks Thor, oh Dad is throwing one of his famous parties tomorrow night. Can you be sure to tell Loki, for me?"
"Sure Izzie, but couldn't you have done that yourself?" "Thanks Thor!"

Izzie walks into the kitchen, "hey Buck, Steve are yall busy?"
"No, Doll what's up?"
"Dad, is throwing a party tomorrow night for the twins and I need a new dress and I know Wanda does and Nat probably does too, dad said for you two to go with us and Pietro."

*Meanwhile in Wanda's room*

"Stay out of my head, sister."
"I can't help it brother, it seems you fancy Izzie. I think she fancies you as well." Wanda replies.
"Were you in her head as well?" Pietro asked concerned.
"Actually Pietro, no I wasn't. I was just observing how you two interacted and how she couldn't keep her eyes off you, or the slight blush on her face." Wanda said matter of factly.
"Yea, Wands I noticed that too, but I think there might be something going on with her and Bucky or even Steve." Pietro said.
"Well I got in Tony's head too, we are supposed to have game night tonight and they are having a party for us tomorrow night too. So, maybe ask her out soon?"
"I don't know Wands, what if she says no?" "But what I'd she says yes brother?" "You'll never know until you ask." Pietro rolls his eyes in defeat and sighs, "You're right, thank you sister. "

*Back in the kitchen*
"So, let's get everyone together so we can go shopping and get back in time for game night. Hey Buck, come help me down off this counter please?" Izzie says looking at Bucky giving him the puppy dog eyes. "Doll, who got you up there, hmm?"
"I did."
"Then you can get yourself down."
"I...wait, what just happened? Did you really refuse to help you're best friend get off the counter?"
"No, see my best friend is standing here beside me. (He points at Steve) You're on your own, Doll." Bucky says with a smirk before he turns to leave. As he's walking out the door, "Really Buck? Why are you being mean to me?" Izzie says almost whining. Bucky turns around with the biggest grin on his face, walks back towards Izzie and stands between her legs, gets real close to her face, leans up to her ear and whispers, "Gotcha Doll, come on wrap your arms around my neck and your legs around my waist and I'll carry you to your room." And with that Izzie felt a strange spark inside her light up.

○Did my best friend for years, just flirt with me? And did I actually like it? No, there's no way Bucky has feelings for me like that. Of course we are close and spend practically every minute together. Get out of your own head Iz.○

◇Time skip to game night◇

"Since we are all adults here, well most of us are, sorry Peter, let's change to a different game. What do yall suggest?" Izzie asks the group (Thor, Tony, Clint, Bucky, Steve. Nat, Wanda, Pietro, Peter, Loki and Bruce)
"How about spin the bottle?" Peter suggests.
"Truth or Dare?" Pietro adds.
"And that's my cue to leave, Chai. Your mother and I are going to bed."."Please keep it down out here, this isn't a frat house." Tony says eyeing Thor and Clint.
"Alright then, good night mom and dad." Izzie says as kissed Pepper and Tony on the cheeks. Everyone else says their goodnights as well.

"So, which shall we play first?" Wanda asked.
"How about Peter's suggestion spin the bottle then Truth or Dare?" Thor says.
Everyone agrees. They all sit in a huge circle Thor, then Izzie, then Loki, then Steve, then Wanda, Nat, Clint, Pietro, Bucky (who happens to be directly across from Izzie) then lastly Peter.
"So, who's going to spin first?" Nat asked.
"I will" Bucky says and spins the bottle.
Much to near everyone's surprise it lands on Izzie, all except Izzie and Thor who were carrying on a conversation.
"Uh, Doll?" Bucky says grabbing Izzies attention.
"What Buck?"
"Look down"
Izzie looks down and internally screams.
"Now Doll we don't have to if you don't want to"
"No, Buck. I'll do it, it is just a game after all. Unless you're chicken?"
Bucky gets up and walks to Izzie and pulls her up to him, looking in her eyes for any sign she wasn't sure or ready to do this.
"You sure Doll?"
"Y-yea. It shouldn't ruin our friendship."
Bucky places a hand on each side of her face, searching one last time for any hesitation.
"Last chance, D-"
"Oh for crying out loud Buck kiss me already!" And with that his lips met hers. And there was that spark again. His lips were soft and gentle totally not what she expected, she half melted into to the kiss. He finally pulled back and looked at her, whispered in her ear and said, " Damn, that was a hell of a kiss Iz." Then went and sat down.
Still stunned by everything that just happened. Izzie sat down and spun the bottle. And again Izzie is stunned, it landed on......Pietro.
oh boy here we go○
Izzie walks over to Pietro and can't help but get flushed in the face.
"Princessa? Is this what you want?"
"Yea Pietro go ahead" He leans in and kisses her, a hand on face the other on her waist, this kiss was totally different than the previous, it sparked a different fire in her and it pulled her in an made her want more, like she couldn't get enough. They both got so lost in the kiss, they forgot everyone else was in the room. After several throat clears, they finally broke the kiss.
"Wow, Princessa, that sure was some kiss." Pietro kisses her cheek and sits down.
The game continues on for a few more rounds, Izzie and Pietro end up kissing each other the most.
"Ok! Let's play Truth or Dare, now." Wanda says.

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