The competition(1)

Start from the beginning

" probably, so ? are you going to tell them that?" he asked me

" no .on the opposite I want no one to know about this ." I told him

" hein ? why?"

" humm because I prefer to do the competition rather than having a mess if this would be revealed ." I explain to him

he stare at me.

" what?" I asked him.

" why arent you angry?"

" why should I be angry?"

" its not impossible that the chimera knew that she is not his real child but still keep pretending  it while you couldnt take what you wanted and what belong to you" lucas said while searching for a lie on my face.

but there is no lie at all.

" I'm not angry, isnt the real culprit right now is claude ? there are a lot of parents that have more then one child but they still love them equally ..beside if he hated me more after jennete arrive its just means that he never loved me to begin with ."


"princess ! the nobels are coming ! " a maid called me from far .

" yes Im coming , see you later lucas ." I turn around.

he graped my hand
" yes see you later " and he kissed my cheek.



" w-what are you doing !! " I put a great distance and touch my cheek

he smiled .

" wow, this is  breaking my heart you're treating me like some virus " he smirk.


" see you. good luck."

and he vanised  .

this guuyyyyy !! I blushed


" blessing and glory upon the sun of the obelia empire your royal highness"

the nobels bow down

" greeting everyone you may rise"

" shall we start?" the nobel woman asked

" yes" .

with this we start visiting .

we start with the garden.

" princess ,what are these " the nobel man pointed at a small ball of cristal that is magicaly watering the roses.

" I asked the magician of the black tower to create something that can water the garden to make it more easy to the gardener palace."

they looked at me quite surprised .

" I-I see ,well the garden is really beautiful "

" thank you . shall we move inside ?"

the guards open the door for us and imediately the butler was here in a second .

" welcome your highness" he bow down.

" and to you too dear guests , after the test feel free to have a cup of tea"

the nobels are still surprised about how fast and polite the butler was .

even in the emraled palace the butler was competent but not as polite as this one.

" I will acompanye you to explain how the palace work" the butler said

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