“Those two are best!” He said, pointing at Fushiguro and Itadori, their heads leaning against each other’s. “They’re obviously the winners! I mean, second placers!” Nobara shouted and Gojo shouted back.

“Fushi and I aren’t together so we don’t count,” Itadori says and Maki rolls her eyes. “Fair, fair,” the ponytailed girl laughed and Fushiguro smiled. Nobara and Gojo seemed to ignore the trio talking. They continued arguing over “ItaFushi”’s credibility.

“They aren’t together!” Nobara yelled and Maki grabbed her hand. They were getting weird stares from people. “Let’s change the subject?” Maki asked and everyone agreed.

{Time skip, cuz why not}

“GOD FUCKING DAMN IT!” Gojo yells as he slaps down the last Clock Card. “I AM DEAD. NO FUCKING WAY!” He continues to yell and Nanamin grabs his hand.

The three couples were playing “Cluedo”. Nanamin and Fushiguro were head to head, as they were both heading towards the spa. The dice seemed to hate them, giving them 2s and “?”s. Not enough to get to the spa. “Dad! Just look over Mom’s shoulder and help him,” Maki suggested and Nanamin glared. “That’s going to be so helpful to me,” he rolled his eyes and Fushiguro snorted. Itadori just rolled, ignoring the drama. He landed outside the Patio, and handed the dice to Nobara. She rolled too. Gojo and Nanamin were arguing as the rest continued. They continued going round until Fushiguro rolled. He rolled two sixes and went to the spa.

“It’s Mustard, in the Kitchen, with the trophy!” He yelled and Gojo grabbed the cards to see. “Nope, any other guesses?” He says and Nanamin laughs. Fushiguro looks bewildered. “Yes. Mustard, in the Kitchen with the Candlestick!” Nanamin said and Gojo smiled.

“Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!” He cheered and Itadori patted Fushiguro’s back. “I call bullshit!” Maki yells and Gojo shows the cards. “Kitchen, Mustard, Candlestick”. Maki blushes and Nobara falls on her back from laughing. “Aw~,” she said, laughing, “great job, Maki!” She grabbed onto her girlfriend for support and Maki rolled her eyes. Maki kissed her hair and Gojo turned to Nanamin, pouting, and Nanamin laughed. “You’ll get your kisses later,” he said, pressing his lips to Gojo’s cheek.

“I feel very single,” Itadori joked to Fushiguro and he nodded. “But you have a crush, don’t you?” Itadori teased and Fushiguro flushed a bright red. “So do you!” He says, hiding his face in his hands. Itadori just laughed, innocently.

“Now, who’s your’s?” Ita asked, wrapping an arm around Fushiguro’s shoulders. “You think I’m that gullible?” He asked, laughing, and Itadori smiled. He shook his head, thoughtful, and looked around. “I mean, I’m just curious?” He said and Fushiguro nodded. “Sorry, I’m not saying.” Fushiguro said and Itadori pouted. He looked adorable with it. Like a puppy. “A hint?” Ita asked, eyebrows downturned and still pouting. “You’re like a child. Fine,” he rolls his eyes. “21st letter of the alphabet,” Fushiguro said before leaving. Itadori was shocked.

Author's Note: I've had a lot of people confused in my comments. The letter is "U" for you all :)

Nobara to Megumi

Nobara 🔨: Why did you leave after the Cluedo game suddenly?
Nobara 🔨: You and Ji looked like you were having fun.

{Megumi 🐾: Seen}


Megumi 🐾: alright…
Megumi 🐾: I fucked up.
Megumi 🐾: I half-confessed, I guess?

Nobara 🔨: I’m here, spill the tea.
Nobara 🔨: unless you wanna say it on the GC

Megumi 🐾: It’s gonna end up there anyway so…

Operation ItaFushi Group Chat

Megumi 🐾: Ok, I half-confessed to Itadori.
Megumi 🐾: We were talking about our crushes as you two couples were…
Megumi 🐾: Doing couple things

Inumaki 🍣: He can’t even say kiss, LMAO
Nobara 🔨: Neither can you, smartass.
Gojo 👀: Damn, Nobara.

Megumi 🐾: Can I continue?

Inumaki 🍣: Yes, spill the tea (o゜▽゜)o🍵

Megumi 🐾: He asked for a hint on who I liked and I said “The 21st letter of the alphabet.”

Maki ⚔️: You’re overestimating his brain cells.
Nobara 🔨: Wait… what is the 21st letter?
Maki ⚔️: Point proven. Sorry, Ara.
Maki ⚔️: For Dad and Ara, it’s the letter “U”.
Gojo 👀: Ahhh~
Gojo 👀: That makes sense.
Nanamin 🔪: He won’t be getting it for a while, so don’t worry.
Nanamin 🔪: Gojo, don’t you dare interrupt.
Gojo 👀: I won’t (。•́︿•̀。) 
Maki ⚔️: Nobara, that applies to you too.
Nobara 🔨: Yes, Maki-san!

Megumi 🐾: Also, thanks to Dad’s brilliance, he can VISIT me
Megumi 🐾: We are “Dorm Neighbours”

Maki ⚔️: That’s Ji’s words, isn’t it?

Megumi 🐾: Obviously.

Nobara 🔨: Have fun, Fushiguro~

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