"You can borrow these," Fez mumbled as he handed her a dry shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. "and I can throw your shit in the dryer."

"Thank you," Juniper said as she took the clothes. She wandered into the room and set her backpack down on the floor next to Fez's bed.

Fez turned around to grab his phone which was on his dresser. He sighed as he checked the time. "Listen," he mumbled. "I didn't mean for it to sound like I don't like havin' you around," Fez shoved his phone into his front pocket. " 'cause I do. I just have somethin' real important going on," he explained as he twisted in his heels.

Fez lightly gasped as he noticed that Juniper had her shirt off. Her back was to him, but he hadn't been expecting to see her bare skin. He swallowed as his eyes drifted down to her hips. His basketball shorts were hanging from her waist, and had been rolled a few times to make them fit a little better. Fez licked his lips before shaking his head and looking away.

Juniper threw the shirt over her head and turned around. She walked up to him and tapped his shoulder so he would look at her. Juniper was holding her drenched clothes. "Where's your dryer?" She mumbled.

"Oh," Fez grabbed her clothes. "I got it," he walked out of the room, Juniper followed in the ghost of his footsteps.

Ash sat on the counter, a large stack of money in his hands. He licked his finger as he counted. Juniper broke away from walking with Fez and shuffled over to Ash. "Geez Fez," she spoke up, catching the attention of Ash. "That's a suspicious amount of money— big bills too?" She chuckled as she detangled her now half-wet hair. "If I didn't know any better, I'd think you were a drug dealer or something."

Fez came back from the laundry room with a straight face. Ash snorted, slowly shaking his head as he continued to count the money. Juniper raised her head at the lack of response. She looked between Ash and Fez. Neither of them were looking at her. "You're a fucking drug dealer?" She widened her eyes, a chuckle erupting up her throat. "No shit?"

"How didn't you know that?" Ash spoke up, wrapping a rubber band around a stack of money. "Aren't you like best friends with Rue?"

"Yeah?" She asked, leaning against the couch so she could continue talking with Ash. "What's that got to do with anything?"

Ash hoped off the counter. "Where do you think Rue gets her drugs?"

Juniper looped around and sat on the couch as she processed everything. Suddenly, the first day she met Fez made a whole lot more sense.

In my defense, I didn't want to tell Fez's story to Juniper with out his permission— and I had already assumed she knew the man was a drug dealer. I mean, it was never a secret. The whole town basically knew.

There was a knock on the door. Fez inhaled as he stood up straight. He walked around the couch to get to Juniper. "You're going to sit right there," he pointed to where she was sitting. He squatted in front of her. "And be quiet. Don't even think about talkin' to these guys," Juniper nodded. "These dude aren't here to fucking play," Fez stood up and lifted his shirt.

"Fez—" she mumbled when she saw the gun sticking out of his waistband. He grabbed it and tucked it gently in the couch cushions.

"It'll be okay," he walked toward the front door. "Just don't fuckin' say anything," he stopped walking for a minute. "Promise me, Juniper."

"I swear I won't talk to them," she stammered, a slight wave of fear in her voice. "I promise."

Juniper was scared. She had found out that Fez and Ash were drug dealers and that Fez felt the need to be armed within a five minute span. She knew her way around drugs, she had grown up around them thanks to her dad. But guns? That's when Juniper knew something was up.

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