💗 love at first sight 💗

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(Top is luke , Bottom is Tyler)

Tyler POV

I'm next in line for the thorne but I don't want to get married . I want to be free I have a gf but she not wifey material plus she not my soulmate . I'm just with her because my father said to see how it go's but she bitch she only want me for my money . I wish mom was still here but she happy with her new king . Two be honest he a good guy he makes my mom happy but my dad is not taking it well I mean she did cheat on him , I can see why he would be mad and the guy was his best friend.
"Son you have to get married if not I'm going to hold a ball for you , your 20 tomorrow grow up "  Your one to talk you still crying over mom ITS BEEN 10 YEARS YOU MOVE ON she happy why can't you " I do I have a wife " not that gold digger " she not a gold digger  " bullshit she said in her vows I'm happy to be marrying your MONEY so don't tell me she not a gold digger" I leave bc now I have a headache on the way to my room I run to the Butler name Luke " I'm so sorry young master " I sit there turning red .......... I think I'm gay " young master? " I'm good " I get up and take off running to my room think I'm good but I had to run to the whore there no way I'm marrying her she slept with my brother, uncle , cousin,best friend, and his brother. I go in to my room and try to sleep I hear a knock on the door " huh " honey is me open up "great " mumble I get and open the door " what the hell do you want " I want to talk about you and me's wedding" hahahahahaha"  " what's so funny " who said where getting married"  your father you had to get married" and you guess I'm marrying you " I  mean yea we been together for two weeks " I close the door in her face since I'm still up I take a shower and go to bed .

Hi bye

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