☁️ Cuddling Buddy☁️

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A/N: fluff

It was a quiet night on the Moby Dick, everyone was asleep, everyone but you. You have a hard time falling asleep, so you usually stay up reading books to help you fall asleep or just walk around the ship, and tonight was another one of those nights. You tossed and turn in your bed but you just couldn't get to sleep. So you got up to get a book to help you fall asleep, you walked to the library and picked out a book. "This should help me." You said quietly, you was walking back to your room but you heard some foot steps, when they got closer you swung the book and hit the person right across the face or at least that's what you think you did.  "Jeez calm down Y/n, it's just me." You heard a voice tell you. It was a very familiar voice, it was your 2nd division commander Ace. "C-Captian! I'm sorry! I didn't know it was you!" You told him. You kinda had a soft spot for Ace, not because he was the commander it's because you had a tiny crush on him. "It's okay, but what are you doing up this late?" He asked you. "Well uh, I had some trouble sleeping,  so I just decided the grab a book to help me sleep." You told him holding up the book.
Y/n's POV
I showed him the book, I didn't know which book I picked when he looked at the cover he raised a eye brow. "Fifty shades of Gray?" Ace asked me. "H-huh?" I asked him. "Are you really gonna read fifty shades of Gray to help you go to sleep?" He asked me. I looked at the book "I-I didn't know it was fifty shades of Gray! I swear!" I told him with a red face. Ace just chuckled "I should probably pick out another book." I said as I put the book back and looked for a good book. "You know what can help you go to sleep faster?" Ace told me. "Hm?" I asked him. "Cuddling." He told me as he picked me up. "Wha- Ace put me down!" I told him. "Be quiet, we don't wanna wake anyone up now do we?" Ace said. I kept quiet, cause he was right we went to my room and just flopped me on my bed and laid next to me wrapping his arms around me.
"Now go to sleep." Ace told me. "O-Okay." I said as I cuddled up to him. I could feel his warmth, before I knew it I was asleep.
When Y/n told me about her trouble with sleeping I picked up her, she seemed shocked. I walked back to her room and I put her on the bed and I laid down next to her wrapping my arms around her so the heat of my devil fruit will help her go to sleep. "Now go to sleep." I told her. "O-Okay." Y/n told me, she cuddled up to me and then I heard snores coming from Y/n. I tried not to laugh so I wouldn't wake her up. "well I should probably get going." I said, just as about as I was going to go back to my room her hands gripped around me and pulled me back "Don't go..." She mumbled in her sleep.  I sighed. "Okay." I said as I went back to cuddling her. When I did I saw her smile and cuddled me.
The next day
Y/n's POV
I woke up to cuddling to Ace, he was still sleeping ' he looks so cute when he sleeps.' I thought to myself

' I thought to myself

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"Hey Ace wake up." I nugged him. "No." He said. "Come on Ace." I told him. I sighed, "Ace if you don't get up I'll tell pops for you not to have any breakfast." I told him, when Ace heard that he sat straight up. "You always play me dirty you know that Y/n?" Ace told me. "I do not!" I told him, "now you should probably go before anyone else gets the wrong idea of you being here." I told him. "So what? Let people think that." Ace told me as he got up and walked out of my room. My face was red, ' what did he mean by that?' I thought to myself.
At breakfast in the dinning hall.
Ace walked over to me and sat by me, "If you ever need help going to sleep you can always come and get me and we can cuddle like we did last night." Ace told me. "Be quiet! I don't want anyone to know." I told him. "Know what?" Thatch asked me. "N-Nothing!" I told him. "She's embarrassed cause I slept with her last night." Ace said. Everyone heard that and was speechless. "Ace!" I yelled at him with a red face. "Oh so that's why you wasn't in your room." Marco said. "I-It's not what you guys think! All we did was cuddle which help me go to sleep!" I told everyone quickly, then everyone was laughing. "You sure?" Marco asked us, he was teasing us. "Yes! I'm sure!" I told him. "Oh yeah then why did you tell me not to go?" Ace asked. "Because you was warm and that was helping me go to sleep!" I told him. "Oh yeah, then why did I see you smile in your sleep when I went back to cuddling you?" Ace asked me, "Do you perhaps like me Y/n?" I turned away cause I knew my face was a blushing mess. "As a friend and as a commander of course I do!" I told him. "Oh yeah? Tell that to my face." He told me. I took a deep breath and turned around to face him. "I like you as a friend and as a commander, nothing more." I told him again. He got close to my face. "Are you sure?" He asked me as he was looking into my e/c eyes  and putting a hand on my cheek. My body stiffen up "I-I'm sure." I told him. "Oi if you two are going to do that kinda stuff take it to the bedroom." Marco told us. ' crap I forgot that we was in the dinning hall.'  "Sorry everyone." Ace told everyone, then went back to eat he seemed calm unlike me my heart was racing a thousand miles per minute. I had to put my hand on my chest to stop the beating. Then went back to eat.
Ace's POV
I decided to tease Y/n a little. "Do you perhaps like me Y/n?" I asked her. She looked away from me, I could see a little red on her ears. "As a friend and as a commander of course I do!" She told me. "Oh yeah? Tell that to my face." I told her. She paused then turned around to me. "I like you as a friend and as a commander nothing more." She told me. I got close to her face and looked into her beautiful e/c eyes and put a hand on her cheek. "Are you sure?" I asked her. "I-I'm sure." She told me. ' she's lying.' I thought to myself. Just as about I was going to open my mouth Marco butted in. "Oi if you two are going to do that kinda of stuff take it to the bedroom." Marco told us. " Sorry everyone." I told everyone, then I went back to eating. I could tell Y/n was embarrassed from what I did, and I did feel a little guilty. "Hey Y/n." I told her. "Y-Yes?" She said. "I'm sorry." I told her. "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." I said. "I-It's okay." She told me. "I knew you was lying when I asked you if you are sure if you just see me as a friend and as a commander." I told her. "Was it that obvious?" She asked me. "Yeah kinda." I told her. "Listen it's fine if you don't feel the same commander." She told me. "Who said I didn't?" I told her. She looked at me, surprised "Yeah I like you too Y/n." I told her. "So..." I started to say "w-will you go out with me?" I asked her, I could feel my face was hot, and I wasn't talking about my devil fruit power. She smiled and giggled. "Sure." She told me with a smile on her face.

The end sorry if this was bad and if anyone was OOC, comment, vote and follow I take requests otherwise peace out ✌️

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