start of something new

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You meet AM alex at a diner where you were stood up

There's only one word I could describe what this day was gloomy I've been stood up from a date by a guy from my work he had asked me put on a date I had nothing better to do so I said yes only to get me out the house only to be stood up

The guy was a bit of a dickhead anyway and wasn't my type but still it kinda hurt me and to top it off I got caught in the rain now drenched from head to toe my makeup now ruined my hair now a mess but I didn't care about the odd looks I got when I entered the diner heading straight to a booth only to be stood up

Now nursing a milkshake blankly staring at the whipped cream topping the pink liquid
'Why did you even say yes to this now look at you' I mentally scolded myself regretting even the thought of saying yes to the guy who stood me up but better not talk about him anymore

Taking my phone out scrolling through Instagram my friend got engaged that's good
I was pulled away from the attention of my phone by a voice a thick northern accent ordering he wore a leather jacket black jeans chealsa boots his hair gelled into a quiff he looked something out of the 50s very fitting for this diner

I couldn't help but stare at him the man must've felt me staring at him as he turned his head for his eyes to meet my own
I gave a small awkward smile and the man returned it

I turned my attention back to my phone taking a sip of my milkshake
"Is this seat taken" a voice pulled me back out of the at of my phone
"Oh erm no no go ahead" I smiled it was the man I was staring at

"I saw yeh staring at meh" he smiled trying to hide back a smirk
"Oh god" I chuckled my cheeks tinting blush hiding behind my milkshake
"I'm alex by the way" he introduced holding his hand out
"I'm y/n" I replied shaking his hand with a smile

"So what's a pretty girl like yeh doing in a gloomy old diner like this" alex asked making me blush even more he's just so attractive
"Got stood up" I shrugged Taking another sip of my milkshake to hide to embarrassment of what I just admitted

"Well that's they're loss" alex stated leaning forward to me "cause I wouldn't even dream of missing a chance with yeh" he added
As if I couldn't get more red well I definitely am now
"Your probably just saying that just to make me feel better" I chuckled

"There's other ways I could make yeh feel better"alex smirked I almost choked on my drink my eyes went wide at his bold comment
Alex just sat there like he never even said what he said
"Anyway let's get knowin each other" he changed the subject

We got knowing each other what we do for a living I learn he was in a band I heard one of they're songs once but didn't know he sang it
I learned about his background what brought him to live in L.A

He also learned stuff about me what I did for a living which was working in an office for a company
And also about my background learning that I was born and bread in L.A

I couldn't help just get lost in his eyes he was truly mesmerising it was amusing how one minute he could be quite shy then be bold when he spoke his hand always constantly smoothing his hair
He had me under a spell or something and he didn't even know it

"I'm sorry dears bit we're about to close soon" an old lady informed us I didn't realise the time it's been hours since I met alex approximately 5 hours and it's quite late in the night
"Oh sorry yeah we're going anyway" I smiled me and alex grabbing our things both leaving a tip for the waitresses

"So wanna do this again sometime" alex asked once we got outside he lit a cigarette and offered me one that I took
"Yeah definitely unless your gonna bail out on me" I chuckled Alex let out a smirk
"I can be stupid sometimes but not stupid enough to let something good go" he smirked
'God how many times did I blush because of him'

"Well it's a yes then turner" I said taking a drag of the cigarette in between my fingers
"When yeh not busy" he asked
"I'm free for the week" I said wrapping my coat tighter around my body
"Great give meh yer number and we'll set a date from there" alex smiled handing me his phone

I punched the digits of my number into his phone saving it under:
Y/n girl from the diner 😊
Handing him his phone back

"How yeh getting home" alex asked flicking his cigarette away
"Driving what about you" I replied
"Driving" he chuckled I joined in

We bet our goodbyes and went our separate ways once I got home I had a feeling he would message me so I didn't hold my breath about it

I threw my phone on my bed and get ready for bed
Putting my pyjamas on wiping my makeup off brushing my teeth
By the time I got tucked into my bed I checked my phone just incase alex did text and he did

I had a great time tonight y/n x

Me too alex it's was fun getting to know you x

So how about we go out for a pint or something tomorrow around 6:30? X

I would love to alex xx

Great see you tomorrow xx


I closed my phone for the night settling into bed with a smile maybe I was meant to be stood up today hopefully this could be the start of something new
Ahhh here's one of the new books I'm pretty pleased how this turned out I hope  you all like it and the smut book should be out Somepoint this week :)


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