Marauders (2)

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Remus: *Walks into the dormitory* Hey Pads, have you- WHY ARE YOU SITTING THERE LIKE THAT WITH THAT FACE?! THAT IS VERY CREEPY!

Sirius: "Jmes heh-"

Remus: "I have no clue what you're saying."

Peter: "Remus, James did this to him."

Remus: "I'm sorry, what?"

James: *Walks in with a grin, nodding at all his friends* "Hey Remus, Peter," *Grins mischievously* "Sirius."

Sirius: *Gives a rude hand gesture*

James: "What's the matter, cat got your tongue? Stop making that face, it reminds me of a dog."

Sirius: *Glares at him*

Remus: *Sighs while trying to fight a smile* "What did you do?"

James: *Turns to look at Remus innocently* "Me? I didn't do anything."

Remus: "Sure, you didn't."

James: *Grins* "Alright, I may have frozen his face when he made a face that reminded me of how much a dog he is."

Peter: *Bursts out laughing*

Remus and James: *Also begin laughing*

Sirius: *Face turns very red in anger*

Remus: "Alright, undo the jinx."

James: *Takes out his wand and gives a wave, only for a horrified expression to make it's way onto his face* "Uh, haha, funny thing, I kind of don't know how..."

Remus: "You- WHAT?!"

Sirius: *Gets up and starts moving towards James*

James: *Backs away slowly, hands up in the air* "You look really great though, suits your hair- ARGH!"

*James runs out with Sirius on his tail*

*Remus and Peter look at each other before doubling over with laughter*

Remus: *Wipes away his tears* "I guess Minnie or Poppy will have to fix him."

Here's another quick one! :)


Wizarding World (One shots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora