
Start from the beginning

They continued to do the moves until they were finally face to face again. "Great, Sam hop in" Daniel patted her shoulder. Sam nodded and got in Y/n got off the deck forgetting about Robby. He slipped into the water. Y/n turned her head as she heard the water splash "sorry Robby" Y/n gave Robby an apologetic look as he stood up.

Sam and Robby got on the deck and practiced together. They fell a few times before getting the hang of it. Lastly, Sam and Y/n were practicing together. Sam moved clockwise while y/n moved counterclockwise causing the deck to sink at their weight. Y/n and Sam both fell into the cold water before getting back up moving their hair out of their face. "Okay, alright, get back up! Don't be discouraged. You guys are getting better every time." Daniel exclaimed.

The two sisters got on the deck and did the moves successfully staying on the deck. "Awesome! Robby get in there" Daniel looked at Robby. Robby nodded and got into the water again "I'm gonna get on now" Robby warned the two girls. He got on making the girls stumble to each other "Woah-Woah" Y/n yelped and clutched onto Sam. "Get on slowly," Daniel said as he watched his students.

Robby stepped on the deck and it began to dip into the water. "Y/n, Sam, separate" Daniel said. Y/n let go of Sam before carefully standing across from Robby. "This isn't gonna end well" y/n muttered as she wobbled. "ready?" The (eye color) eyed girl asked. "Nope," Robby replied.


They moved their hands gracefully until they had to move their feet "slow down guys" Y/n stammered nearly falling into the water "got it" Sam replied. They continued and soon enough they had gone in a full circle.

"We did it!" Y/n smiled. The three shared a fist bump.
"Awesome you guys! If you keep practicing you'll be unstoppable" Daniel cheered. Y/n forgetting she was still on the deck, stepped back and fell into the water.
Robby and Sam laughed "not funny," Y/n said as she rose up. Y/n pushed the deck down. Sam and Robby fell into the water. Y/n laughed "how does that feel?"

"Alright, you three get on out you guys have done enough." Daniel laughed as he watched his students.
The three got out and their teeth began to clatter and they began to shiver. "Hold on I've got something for you guys!" Daniel put his finger up before running out to his car and pulled out some towels before running back to Sam, Y/n, and Robby "There you go"

The three gratefully took the towels and wrapped them around their soaking bodies. "Are these new?" Y/n asked. The towels were soft and warmed Y/n's body pretty well. "Yes they are" Daniel chuckled at Y/n who snuggled close to the (favorite color) towel.

Y/n spent a few minutes drying herself and even laid in the grass making sure the sun would hit her. Time passed by and y/n was dry enough she wasn't dripping wet. In the inside dojo, Robby was getting ready to leave before Sam walked in and talked about how fun the day was and Robby apologized for his actions upon arriving. They said goodbye and Robby headed out after saying goodbye to Y/n.

Y/n walked into the dojo with her new towel in her hand. "How much do you know about Robby's home life?" She heard Sam ask. "What's going on?" Y/n asked. She glanced between her dad and Sam. "Robby mentioned his mom forgot to pay some bills" Sam answered. "What the hell? Dad you should go check up on him" Y/n looked at her dad. "I will, you still remember where he lives?" Daniel asked.

Y/n nodded "okay. We go home, you take a shower then we go talk to Robby and by we I mean me," Daniel said.
"Okay, let's get going then," Y/n said and walked out of the dojo, got into her car, and drove off. Sam and Daniel trailed behind her in their cars.


Y/n got home and greeted her mother before heading up to her room and grabbed clean pair of clothes, the towel she usually uses and headed into the shower. She shampooed and conditioned her hair and then rinsed it out before scrubbing her body. Once she was done she turned off the water and wrapped the towel around her body.

She dried her hair and body and put on her outfit which was pretty simple: A band t-shirt and black sweatpants.
She slipped her shoes on and called out to her dad saying she was ready to leave.

"Ready to leave where?" Amanda asked Daniel who stood beside her in the living room "I'll explain soon. We're gonna go check up on Robby. We'll be right back, love you" Daniel explained fairly before kissing Amanda on the cheek and walking out of the house with Y/n. The father and daughter got into Daniel's black car. Daniel began driving to Robby's apartment complex as y/n gave him directions.


"You stay here," Daniel said as he parked the car and got out walking into the complex. Y/n compiled and stayed in the car and scrolled through her phone.

Daniel looked at the numbers of the apartments before reaching what he hoped was Robby's. He knocked on the door and waited for a response. The door opened partially "Mr. LaRusso?What are you doing here?" Robby asked confused. He closed the door and opened it fully "I could lie and say I was in the neighborhood" Daniel said.


Daniel opened the door to their house. Robby and Y/n walked in after him "Oh hey guys, go eat I made pasta. Sam's already eating" Amanda smiled at Robby and Y/n. Y/n licked her lips as she headed into the kitchen. Robby chuckled at her actions as he walked beside her. Robby and Y/n grabbed a plate and served themselves before sitting at the table with Sam.

Amanda watched them as they laughed with a small frown "I can't believe he's been living all alone." She sighed turning back to Daniel. "I mean we have the space. I could put an air mattress in the guest house. Until we get some real furniture" Daniel suggested. "Slow down. Yes, obviously he can stay for the night but if we're talking long term we're gonna have to talk to his parents" Amanda replied. "I tried calling his mother, she's completely unreachable," Daniel said. Amanda gave him a look "he has a father." Daniel sighed. He wasn't excited to confront Johnny about this.

Y/n said good night to Robby before going to her room. She did her nightly routine before going to bed. Falling asleep was no issue.


Another chapter is done.
I'm very sorry for any repetitiveness :')
We'll start seeing more of Demetri soon
(about time 🙄⁉️)
As always sorry for any typos.
Sorry these chapters suck they'll start getting better


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