Part 1- The confession

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Goggles had been thinking about hanging out with Rider for a while now. For some reason, thinking about Rider made him nervous. He was too nervous to tell Rider, so he went to Headphones for help. He knew Headphones was good with advice.
Goggles had gone to the door to Headphones' room. He heard some music from the inside.
Goggles called out, "Hey, Headphones… I need some help."
"I'm not busy right now, you can come into my room and talk."
Goggles came into the room, hearing a quick shutoff of the music playing.
"Sit down on the bed, what did you need to talk about?" She asked.
Goggles replied, "I need to talk about Rider."
Headphones made a light snicker and whispered, "I knew it!", without realizing that Goggles could hear her. She then saw his face. He was really nervous, or possibly embarrassed.
"I wanted to say this, but I'm always nervous when I want to talk with Rider now. It confuses me, because I'm never nervous, especially around people I know and trust."
"Could you describe the feeling more? It might let me give you better advice."
"I feel really embarrassed saying this, but Rider honestly looks really cute. He's amazing."
"Oh, it sounds like you like Rider. I think you should talk to him and maybe ask if he wants to go somewhere with you."
This brought Goggles an unusual, at least for him, sense of nervous excitement. He really wanted to follow her advice, but was too nervous to act.
"I'm still nervous about that, but I might try that tomorrow!"
Headphones said goodnight to Goggles, he left, and they both went to sleep.
The next morning, Goggles is awoken from a nap by his phone. He answers:
"Huh, why do you want to go out with me?", The familiar voice called.
"I never asked, how did you know?", Goggles replied back.
"Headphones told me that you liked me, I just wanted to make sure she wasn't just messing with me. She does that sometimes to people, but I doubt she would do it with you. I just wanted to be one hundred percent sure."
"Uh… Rider? Do you want to go anywhere in particular?"
"Not really, I just want to hang out with you. I've also been wanting to tell you something."
Rider then hung up, and sent Goggles a text asking for the details on where he wanted to meet him. Goggles decided that he wanted to meet Rider at the S4 house that night.
This made Goggles nervous. What if he messes up? What if Rider liked him back, and if he did, what would they do? What if he didn't like him anymore because of this?
When Goggles got to the S4 house, he was greeted by Aloha. Rider was on the couch in the living room, and appeared anxious, blushing green, not a feeling Goggles usually saw Rider in. Rider then saw Goggles open the door and come in.
"Oh hi! How are you?" Goggles enthusiastically asked, seemingly full of energy.
Rider only sat in silence, unusual silence. This made Goggles feel almost as if he had done something wrong.
"He's been really quiet lately," Aloha then whispered, "It's because of you. I talked to him about it, and he wanted to tell you. Thing is, he doesn't know how."
Aloha then told Army that Goggles was here. Army then put out dinner, specifically made for the two of them. Goggles thought it was nice that Rider planned this whole thing out in advance.
They started to get ready to eat, mostly with mild small talk in the meanwhile until they were sitting down and eating.
Goggles then asked, "It's not normal for me to not want to eat, but I really don't have an appetite."
"Goggles, you're probably nervous. I am as well, it's a normal feeling to have."
Goggles noticed Rider kept blushing, so he went over to give him a hug. Usually when he was nervous, he wanted a hug.
"Uh, what are you doing?" Rider said slowly, "When we finish eating, I'd like to talk about this in private. For now, can you stop?"
Goggles then begrudgingly agreed, and went back to eating.
After the two got to Rider's room. Goggles, with a burst of confidence, then started to talk.
"I think your eyes look cute."
Rider then replied, "Yours as well? I can't stop looking at them, it's weird. Your hair is also nice. Everything about you looks nice to me."
Goggles was flustered, surprising Rider.
"I want to give you a really tight hug for saying that, thank you Rider. I feel the same about you."
Rider was then given a tight hug, and Goggles then whispered close:
"I love you Rider. You're amazing."
Rider was moved into a state of shock, barely able to speak because he was thinking so quickly.
"Uhm, thanks?" Rider nervously added, "I don't know how to say this but- that's kind of what I wanted to tell you as well. I like you."
"That's okay Rider. Why were you so nervous about telling me?"
"I was scared you would be possessive, you tend to be close to me specifically."
Goggles then took off his jacket.
"Do you want to do something?" He said playfully.
"Uh, maybe we can just…" Rider stammered, "cuddle?"
After Goggles got into the bed, Rider came into the bed with him.

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