The morning after, Part 2.

Start from the beginning

"It's all right, son. It's all right." he answered, concern creeping into his usually-steady voice.

"Um, I was hoping, um, I-I need to talk to someone, but only if it's not too much trouble...But i-if it is, that's okay...I'll be need to worry...I'm fine..." Wilhelm rambled, his words becoming more and more indistinct by the second.

"Wilhelm, I'm getting in my car now. Listen, I only live 10 minutes away. Do you want me to meet you at the residences, or in my office? If you want to stay on the phone while I drive, I can put you on bluetooth. Wilhelm, do you hear me?"

Wilhelm's eyes filled with tears, "Uh, your office is fine. And I'm okay. The bodyguards will be with me anyways. I'll get dressed and see you in a few minutes."

"Ok, son. Breath, ok? It's going to be okay. Breath," replied Dr. Nilsson, trying to sound calm that he was obviously flustered.


Fifteen minutes later, Wilhelm had dressed and walked to the student support wing on campus. When he arrived, Dr. Nilsson was already there, dressed in jeans, an old sweatshirt, and a distressed baseball cap that said "Pura Vida- Costa Rica" on the side with a logo of palm trees and a toucan.

As he walked in, Dr. Nilsson took him in a long embrace.

"There, there, boy," murmured Mr. Nilsson, as he patted Wilhelm's back.

Wilhelm sank into Dr. Nilsson shoulder, "I don't know what to do." The counselor put his arm around him and guided him to a seat.

Wilhelm and Dr. Nilsson finally sat down in their respective chairs, Dr. Nilsson holding his thermos of coffee, probably from the drive over, Wilhelm reasoned, given that the coffee maker was not plugged in.

Dr. Nilsson just sat there, legs crossed, sipping his coffee while Wilhelm pulled himself together. By this point in their relationship, the therapist knew that it took Wilhelm a bit of time to think through what he wanted to say.

Wilhelm started, "I kissed him."

"Oh," Dr. Nilsson replied.

"And I told him I loved him," Wilhelm continued.

The counselor knitted his eyebrows. "Oh."

"Yeah," said Wilhelm, supporting his elbows on his knees and pressing his hands into his forehead. "I don't know why, I don't know how. It's just, I saw him on stage at the club, and he just looked so good, and I just thought 'I need to be with him,' and I actually used the whole Crown Prince-thing to get backstage, which I never know, use the prince thing, but I just had to hug him, and I...things just got away from me."

"And what did he do?" asked the counselor. Wilhelm looked up at the man. He looked confused, probably wondering what could have possibly gone on at a club that the Crown Prince could have attended.

"He said he loved me back...What do I do?"

Dr. Nilsson, perplexed, thought for a moment and then stated, "Wilhelm, I can see this is hard for you, and you know I'm there for you. I'm sounds like a good thing?"

Wilhelm groaned, "Yeah, you're right. But, I never really told you how it all ended, you know, before. That might explain why this is so bad."

"Would you like to tell me? Maybe then we can talk about what to do about all this."

"Ok, so, basically, when I had the press release saying that I wasn't in a relationship and that I wasn't the one in the video, which, I think, we can both agree was a lie..."

Dr. Nilsson grinned slightly, nodding. "Ahem."

"Right, Simon was..."

"Angry, you mentioned it before," reassured the therapist.

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