Along the way, Li Huan, wearing a white dress and a white dress, attracted a lot of onlookers. The clothes were placed in the suitcase and looked cheap, but when they were worn on Li Huan's body, there was an inexplicable kind of walking on the runway. It feels like a lot of added value in an instant.     Li Huan greeted passersby with a smile, and by the way asked them how to get to the nearest supermarket. Under the instructions of passers-by, Li Huan found the only supermarket in the village--a supermarket, which may not be right, at best a grocery store. It only sells some daily necessities and small snacks     , not even fans. Li Huan sighed and asked the boss: "May I ask where is the nearest supermarket, that is, where is the supermarket that can buy fans?" Li Huan felt that he couldn't hold on all night, so everything else was easy to say, the first thing to do is to solve the minimum requirements of life.     The boss was relatively old and could not understand Mandarin. Li Huan gestured for a long time, but was still confused. In the end, a little boy who was hiding outside and onlookers answered her in inaccurate Mandarin.     "If you want to buy an electric fan, you can only buy it in the town."     Li Huan turned to look at the little boy. He looked seven or eight years old. He was small, and his face and body were dirty. She looked at her with timid eyes, but her eyes were clean, which made Li Huan inexplicably like her. Li Huan asked him with a smile, "Then how do I get to the town?"

    The little boy thought about it and said, "The car to town is only available in the morning. Now you can walk over there."

    Walk over?

    The corner of Li Huan's mouth twitched. If he remembered correctly, when he came, the place where he changed to a rickshaw seemed to be a small town. At least two hours?

    "Besides walking, is there any other way to get there?"

    You can also call a rickshaw to go there. It only takes two hours to go back and forth, so it's not too late to come back.

    The question clearly stumped the little boy, who shook his head to show he didn't know.

    Li Huan came out of the grocery store, looked around, and asked the little boy who came out with her: "Which one of your villages has a car?"

    Anyway, she has a driver's license. As long as she has a car, it doesn't matter if it is a car or a van. One, she should be able to drive when she gets used to it, and drive to town to buy it, too.

    The little boy looked blank, "What kind of car?"

    Li Huan explained: "It's a car that burns oil and can drive to town." The

    little boy thought for a while, then his eyes lit up, and then he took Li Huan, seven Turning Baguai to the front of a bungalow, pointing to the car in front of him and said, "This is the fastest car in our village, is that what you're talking about?"

    Looking at the front-drive convertible that I've only seen in the video , Li Huan's mouth twitched, and he asked the little boy, "I don't know this. Is there anything else?" The little     boy

    didn't seem to believe it.

There was no other choice, Li Huan closed his eyes, gritted his teeth, and said, "I'll try it."

    So, for the next half hour, under the guidance of the old man in the village, Li Huan first spent ten minutes, using the startup The key finally woke up the car that had not been used for several months, and it took another twenty minutes to master the essentials of driving. Finally, I was able to skillfully operate an antique four or five years ago-an old-fashioned tractor.

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