"Hey! Get off the kids!" the police said talking to the man, Jonny. "No-no, it wasn't his fault" the other kid said to them as they put cuffs on him.

After the cops and Kyler's goons left, Addison completely forgot about why she went there and was getting on her bike. "Hey! what was that? It was awesome!"

"Thanks kid, it was karate." she said to him. And with that the girl was gone. Miguel didn't get to say thank you, he needed to find a way how.

It had been a few days since the 'incident' at the shops. One thing Addison hated was school, high school to be exact. Her favorite part was lunch when she could see her 2 friends. They didnt know she had a dead sister, or a sister at all. It was the hardest subject for Addison.

Addison's history teacher always waited for everyone, before they went to lunch, causing the class to be late to lunch. After she finally got out of the classroom she rushed to the cafeteria to see her best friends.

Miguel, everyone could tell he was new. "is it cool if i sit here?" he said to the table with two boys. "ooh" Demetri sighed "sorry tables blowing up right now, I can put you on the wait list, but it's probably next semester at the earliest."

He let out a sigh getting ready to walk away to another table. "He's kidding, come sit new boy." Addison said showing up taking a seat between Eli and Demetri. "Wait ur-" Miguel started.

"The girl who saved your life a few days ago? Yea that's me." She said taking her lunch. "I wanted to thank you." " No need to thank me, I'm just always there." She sighed, forcing a smile. Eli, the boy sitting next to her, gave her a smile. 

"I'm Miguel." He finally said. "Demetri. This is Eli, he's a man with of few words. And this is the wonderful Addison."

"Addi, with an i. I don't really like Addison?"

As he was looking around the room, Addison saw him staring, at them. "Don't bother." she said grabbing his attention. " They are the rich girls- oh right and Addi's wonderful neighbor Peter." Demetri said to him.

Miguel kid of just started at the two boys and one girl, "do you ever talk to them?" he asked making Addison snort, which that caused Eli to laugh.

"Yea we talk all the time, we hang out after school. Make out, and give each other hand jobs. And Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone, isn't that right Eli?" Demetri said sarcastically.

"Yea but totally, Peter and I, yea being neighbors he always comes to my house for a make out session every day." Addison said rolling her eyes. "Talk to them? You do realize what table your sitting at right?"

"You have pretty much lost all hopes of losing your virginity before college." Demetri said as Addison was handing Eli her sandwich. He gave her a look saying 'why aren't you eating'. "Not hungry." she smiled.

She looked at him for a second before asking, "you are still a virgin right?" He nodded slowly.

"Oh shit, Yasmine is looking at us." Eli spoke as he caught eyes with the popular blonde. "She's probably making fun of me."

Addison just rolled her eyes. "Yea and if she is i won't hesitate to shove my foot up her ass." Miguel looked at him with a mini smile, "I don't think she's making fun of you. I mean, just cause they're hot doesn't mean their mean." Miguel said, the girl rolling her eyes.

"Uh yes it does, what do you not get?" she said to him. Demetri gave Eli the look, knowing about his crush on the girl.

Eli moved his hand to cover his scar on his lip when Sam and Moon begin to laugh along with Yasmine. The boy just put his head down on the table, Addison rubbing his back.

"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all three of you just to get her to spit in my face. Demetri said now the whole group was staring at her, Addison just scoffing.

Miguel then stood up, and started walking toward their table. Then Kyler came sitting next to Sam, waving at him. The boy then turned around walking back to the table. "So how'd it go?"

The bell was about to ring when the girl asked what class Miguel was in now, "Oh geography, that's worse than history. It's next to my class i'll walk u there." then the bell rang.

They got up, Addison giving Eli a hug then leaving with Miguel and waving to Demetri. "So you remember that guy from that night?" "Yea?" "He opened his own dojo, i'm his only student it's after school wanna come with me?" he asked her

"Not to join as a student, just to see him kick your ass."

While Eli and Demetri were walking the opposite way, "So when you gonna tell her that you have liked her since we were 9?" Demetri asked the boy. He gave Demetri a small smile, starting to blush. "I'm-Um-Shut up."


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wow i cant believe i actually wrote this, i have had

the biggest writers block. Then i watched Cobra Kai

and it made me want to write a Eli/hawk book.

Anyway hope you guys enjoyed!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2022 ⏰

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