Worries (Líf)

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Tall bright flames erupted on the tense battlefield. The smell of smoke and blood flooded your senses. Weapons were constantly clashing and slashing with anything around it. Your weary body stumbled around as the pile of corpses seemed to be vast and without end.

"Summoner." A distant, but familiar voice called out.

Your attention was drawn to the voice, but your attention was caught again by the battlefield. Your enemy was drawing closer, but you were powerless. You were not entirely sure what had transpired earlier, but Alfonse, Sharena, and Anna had perished. Many of the Heroes had as well.

"I'm sorry everyone." You whispered as you knew it would be your turn to fall amongst your fellow Heroes.

Something was off though. Something tight was gripping both your shoulders, but nothing was there. How strange.

Your attention was recaptured by a familiar figure who loomed above you. You met his crimson eyes as he thrusted his sword into your stomach. Your body slowly became limp as he kicked your body off of his sword.

Blood effortlessly oozed from your new wound that could not feel. It was odd that you could not feel the pain, but it no longer mattered. The figure from before loomed over you once more and raised his blade. You closed your eyes and you were prepared to meet your end. Now you would calmly await your death.


"Summoner!" A voice shouted.

"GAH!" You yelped in surprise.

Your eyes instantly shot open with your heart racing rapidly. Your weary eyes glided toward the figure hovering above you. Who just woke you up? Wait a second. Why someone in your room? What was going on?! Was it an assassin from Embla?!

Your arm immediately grabbed Breidablik from under a nearby pillow as you immediately mentally prepared to take out the intruder. You jumped away from the person and aimed your weapon at them. You were not going to die so soon. Not yet.

"Summoner! Please relax! It's me." The person spoke frantically and placed their hand on the edge of your weapon.

Your (E/C) eyes narrowed to observe this intruder. It took you no time to realize who it was though. The dark blue hair. The crimson eyes. The dark armor. The strange blue transparent body. This could only be one person.

"Great heavens Líf. You scared me half to death. Why are you even in here?" You wearily sighed lowering your weapon.

"I heard strange mumbling and decided to check on you. It seemed like you were having a nightmare so I decided to wake you up." Líf calmly spoke as he stood by your bedside.

"I see." You frowned as you shifted into a comfortable sitting position and placed your weapon back under the other pillow.

In a way you felt grateful that Líf had even decided to come wake you up from that awful nightmare, but you were kind of angry as well. The constant thought of having to be prepared for a battle at anytime always made you very anxious. It was like every battle became harder and more dire. It also did not help that Askr was constantly relying on your skill to strategize. These constant worries had taken a toll on your ability to fall asleep and to sleep for an extended period of time. It had taken you forever to finally fall asleep, but now you were awake again. How frustrating.

"Why were you even over by my quarters to begin with? Not many people are even allowed be near it." You asked, your curiosity growing.

"I wanted to check on you. I am very worried about you." He responded.

"Is that so? How did you even get over here without being stopped by the guards?"  You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yes. I know that you have been hiding yourself away from the others. You aren't sleeping and your keeping your thoughts to yourself. To answer your second question, Alfonse gave me special permission to be in this area." The older version of Alfonse replied.

"What gave it away?" You scowled.

"You well...my Summoner are exactly the same. You both share the exact same behaviors, appearance, and well everything..." He spoke quietly.

"I suppose that would make sense." You gently responded.

You knew talking about his Summoner was a sore subject for him and always avoided it if you could. Hel had killed his Summoner, Anna, and Sharena a while ago and it still weighs heavy on his heart. You felt especially bad as he saw you, Sharena, and Anna almost everyday. It would be hard to imagine if he was not the least bit upset every time he saw the three of you. You also had a feeling he heavily envied Alfonse as he had all of you while Líf had none of you.

"Y/N. Please give me your hand." He gentle spoke as he interrupted your thoughts.

You extended your arm towards him and he instantly took it. He gently opened up your hand and lightly touched the palm of your hand. He used his finger and gently traced the groves on your hand and fingers. You were not entirely sure what he was doing, but it was helping you relax.

"You...I mean my Summoner was very stressed out months before they died. I used to do this to comfort them." He explained calmly as he taken a seat on your bed.

"It is helping. I can see why...they were comforted by this." You slowly responded.

"You are restless Summoner. What are you worried about?" He inquired.

"A little bit of everything. I'm afraid of being no use to Askr. I'm afraid of messing up. I'm afraid of letting everyone down. I'm...I'm just..." Your words began to die out.

You were very fatigued to continue explaining how you were feeling. The stress had finally gotten to you. Perhaps it was time to let go of all your bottled up stress.

"Afraid. You are very afraid. I understand my dear Summoner. Your fear is quite understandable." Líf whispered.

He wrapped his arms around you and gently stroked your back. A sigh escaped your lips as tears welded in your (E/C) eyes. Líf gently rocked you side to side. Tears streamed down your face slowly, but you were not sure why.

"Why haven't you told anyone else? Why not Alfonse?" He gently inquired.

"I'm worried that if tell someone my worries that they will worry in return. I don't want that for anyone." You responded quietly.

"My dear Y/N. I will always be here for you. You can shower your worries on me." He spoke.

He carefully lied on you on your back and rested your head on your pillow. Líf gently removed the deviant strands of hair in front of your face as he quietly observed you. The exhaustion had finally overcome you and you were slowly falling into a deep slumber.

Your eyes closed and your breathing slowed and seemed more relaxed. He kissed your forehead the moment he confirmed you were sound asleep. Líf stroked your cheek before he stood up from your bed and began to leave you at peace. He would not leave the room, but rather sit nearby to would make sure no one would disturb you for now.

"Sleep tight my previous Y/N." He whispered.


A/N: Heyo lovely readers! If you made it all the way through you are awesome! This is my second fan fiction book. I'm unsure as to how often I will update this one since my other book has been getting a bit of attention. I will do my best to balance my time with both books.

Anyways this your reminder to be taking care of yourself! Drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food. You are always loved! Have a wonderful day! :)

Published: January 22, 2022

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