Chapter 18 Part 1

Start from the beginning

Robert was drawn to her for this very reason. She was an opulent hand mirror. He could see himself in her eyes, distorted into a hero. He was drunk on the power she gave him.

"Goodmorning," She chirped, all too eager to see him awake. She was smiling, her china doll face bright and open with the promise of morning. Her marble eyes were puffy with sleep.

"How did you sleep?" He sat up now and reached over for a cigarette. He left his pack of Park Lanes on the table next to the stark lamp. He fished one from the pack with his deft fingers and put it between his lips. "Got a light?" He asked, his lips forming around the smoking stick.

"Umm, I don't think so," she tittered.

"That's alright, I should have one." He stood from the bed, clad in his birthday suit. She averted her eyes at first but dropped her hands after the realization that this would be an occurrence she would and could get used to.

"Alright, now where were we?" He asked when he was firmly planted in the bed once more. He pulled her closer and breathed in her scent. She smelled like coconut and sea salt with a hint of vanilla. He wondered how she managed that.

"So, we have a break today. What do you want to do, love?" He continued to smoke as he asked, looking at her sweet face. He thought she was beautiful, more beautiful than any woman he'd seen in a long time.

Her hair was wild, looking less tame in the morning than it had the night before. Her eyes were light and warm, they had a charming and enlightening quality about them. Her eyes drew him in, called to him from across the club that night.


Even in the dim light of The Nightengale, Robert found his way to her. It was midnight, and the moon was raised high in the sky, illuminating the pavement outside. She trickled in ten minutes after they arrived, content with the idea of meeting one Mr. Robert Plant.

She caught his attention immediately. He couldn't help but pull his gaze from Jimmy. His eyes left their booth, moved away from his pallid face, and found their way to her figure. He was hooked from the moment he laid eyes on her.

It was all intentional, of course. She dressed to impress, as always, but took special care this particular evening. She dressed in her finest robes, making sure to accentuate her best features. She wore a silk dress in a dark teal shade that detailed her curves, wrestled her hair into the perfect curl pattern, slipped on a sleek pair of pink heels, and finished the look with a dark and minimal makeup job.

She stood next to the bar trying her best to appear as if she wasn't desperately searching for him. She heard they would be in town two weeks ago from Juniper, the closest thing Lorelei had to a friend for the time being. After hearing about their impending arrival she settled on a plan. She couldn't get in to see them (the tickets had been sold out three days before she'd even heard about the show) but she would run into them somehow.

Yes, L.A. was a big town, but she was determined. She knew where they would go, and exactly what booth they'd be in. Security would be lacking and so would morals. She would slip right in and make her way to Robert's bed with no problem.

The matter of actually doing it was a different story. She thought it would be easy, just as Ritchie, David, and all the others had been. They had come to her, essentially laying bare at her feet, asking for her love. She barely had to lift a finger in getting them to her. She never bothered with nerves and thought little of the future.

Robert was different. He was much more beautiful, more talented too, than any of the other guys. He had a charisma that could parallel God, a swagger that would choke the devil and bring angels to tears. No wonder he had such a way with women...

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