The Princess and the Parade

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  "Mina I know this is an incredibly selfish request but I've tried my best I think if Jasmine hears the voice of reason from a woman's lips if she hears her mother's words even with your voice saying them she might listen please I'd ask this of no one else" He reached up and held both of the woman's hands the tall woman felt the please in his eyes was an unfair evil trick.

  Mina gulped and sighed "Very well I'll see what I can do but I make no promises, with all due respect I've seen mules that were less stubborn than your daughter." This startled a laugh out of him he thanked her and left. Mina grumbled after he was out of earshot "I've also seen tigers with thorns in their paws that have easier tempers" She told Rage, who snorted at her as though he agreed before he lay his head down to rest "Good for you at least one of us will sleep" She yawned the first day back at the palace after a long journey was always the toughest for her she had to travel at night or she and her camels would overheat in the desert sun but when she returned she wasn't allowed to rest or the maids would squawk like angry hens that she was a lazy scut so it was a day with no sleep for her. 

  Mina slipped into a cool bath and washed the sand from her hair thinking not for the first time how pointless it was to do so when the winds from her homeland would fill it with more by day's end but she did so anyway so the maids would have less to gossip about. Then she slipped into fine clothes of crimson and black cotton that befitted her station as the grand Vasir's daughter. once done she braided her hair weaving a well-hidden spiked strap into it as a guard to the princess she knew the first thing grabbed in a fight was hair best if an opponent gets a nasty shock rather than let them have the upper hand in combat.  

  After a quick breakfast, she approached Jasmine's quarters with a tray of fine food and drink and knocked. "Come in." Was the groggy reply as Mina entered the princess sat up stretching and yawning "Oh you're home this is a surprise usually you delay your trips claiming sandstorms that are unreported by anyone else held you up" Mina grimaced she was home early "This is sweet you missed us so much you came home early" Jasmine teased.

  Mina smiled "Of course, I missed you it's the other nobles I didn't miss" The two women laughed together despite being maid and bodyguard to Jasmine, Mina acted as a big sister to her when they were alone. "But my father was anxious about those Chinese scrolls and they were so old and delicate that I fear I worried about getting them safe as well so I hurried home."

  Jasmine rolled her eyes "I don't understand your scholarly types like your father and their love for scrolls no one else can read. Or languages from places so far their people would never come here what's the point of learning ancient Chinese that's so old even the Chinese don't use it anymore?"

  "Well, sometimes it's the young's curiosity about the old I think" Mina replied, "I think father enjoys being smarter than everyone he knows a lot about ancient cultures." She neglected to mention he knew mostly about their spells for seizing power and control.

  Jasmin yawned waving her elegant hand "As if I care it's too boring so early in the morning" she selected a date from the fruit bowl and nibbled it "Anything exciting happen on your trip?"

  Mina thought for a minute about what to tell her surely not about the suitor best to leave that as a surprise for the young princess then Gene's beautiful eyes sparkled in her memory surely giving the princess something to tease her about would ease her transition into what the sultan wanted her to talk about. "I met a man," She blushed thinking about how foolishly fast her heart was beating over a man she only just met but surely this was normal for a woman who had never seen a man with eyes like his "A man with eyes so blue it's like he stole royal gems and embedded them into his skull"

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2022 ⏰

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