Chapter 7- dinner time

Start from the beginning

"What The hell did you tell him?" Bella asked angrily. "Oh, you know. The truth, how you and that jack-off attacked me and my friends while we were buying protein bars," Kyler replied smugly.

"That's not true and you know it." She spat.
"Isabella!" Daniel yelled
Kyler raised his eyebrows and smirked.
"Have fun, Cherry."

Isabella walked out of the House and slowly got into the car with Daniel. As soon as she put her seatbelt on he stomped on the gas pedal and drove to the strip mall.
"Why didn't you tell me about Johnny Lawrence." Daniel said with anger in his tone.

Isabella slightly flinched in her seat, "I didn't know it was important information." She answered slowly.
"were you telling me the truth? Because Kyler told a different story?" Daniel told, "and I don't remember you being a liar, Bella."

"Mr. LaRusso, i'm telling the truth I swear." She told, looking at him.
Daniel glanced at the girl, at this point he didn't know who to believe so he didn't say anything.

The car was filled with uncomfortable silence. But it was until they pulled over into the parking lot, that Daniel was quick to get out of the car before Isabella could even undo her seatbelt.
He opens the door which made the bell above the door ring.

Johnny, who has been in his office heard this quickly got up and walked out of the room, "welcome to cobra Kai." He said before looking up to see an angry Daniel LaRusso and a scared Isabella Lynch behind him.

Bella was worried.
Worried that Daniel would hate her for joining cobra Kai.
And worried that Johnny would hate her for being seen with Daniel.

"Some things never change." Daniel spat while glaring at Johnny as he moved forward slowly. "Yeah, what are you talking about?" Johnny asked as his eyes flickered over to Isabella who refused to look at him.

"I Heard you and Isabella beat up a bunch of teenagers in that parking lot." Daniel replied.
"Oh that. No. We didn't beat up any teenagers. We kicked the shit out of a bunch of assholes who deserved it." Johnny remarked with a smug grin.

Daniel scoffed, "wow, Johnny Lawrence calling someone else an asshole. That's rich man." Johnny glared at him angrily.
"What's that supposed to mean." He asked.

"Nothing, look I'm not here to rehash the past, just stay away from my daughters friends." Daniel demanded as Johnny rolled his eyes.

"Your daughters friends? Yeah that makes sense, nice company she keeps."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean."
"I mean those friends of hers were wailing on a girl and a kid half their size. Maybe you don't know your daughter as well as you think you do. Get your house in order LaRusso."

Daniel moved forward in anger. "Who The hell do you think you're talking to." He angrily asked, The two old men were standing almost 10 feet apart fist clenched as the glared at each other.

"Bathrooms clean." Miguel's voice rang catching Bella's attention, Miguel came out of the room and removed his headphones looking between the two older men and Bella with confusion written all over his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry sensei.." he started before Daniel cut him off, "sensei? Really! Oh my god, kid. I don't know what he's told you but you shouldn't believe a word this guy says or you're gonna end up exactly like him." Daniel then turns to Isabella.
"You too, you're a good kid, honestly." He told softly Isabella looked down at her feet.
Johnny glaring at Daniel more angrily.

"You and I.. we aren't done." Daniel said before turning around walking away. "I'm right here man." Johnny challenged
but Daniel ignored him and walked over to the girl who had stayed close to the door.

He placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, "I'm sorry Bella, but it was good seeing you again, and hopefully you could come over once in a while." He whispered before patting her and leaving the dojo.

"Sensei. I-"
She started but Johnny rises a hand up dismissing her apology. "It's alright kid LaRusso is just dramatic." he told with the smile as Isabella signing in relief as she looked down and Daniels words repeating in her head.

Ahhhh FINALLY!!!!!

I am so sorry that I have not published a chapter in a while trust me I have been trying to but since I am in high school I have been taking a lot of tests trying to pass my sophomore year

it's going great though I have currently been making chapter 8 so I will post that one later on maybe in a day or two or a week I don't really know!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter this was a long chapter but I really hope you did enjoy it

Hope you enjoy that edit along my other ones trust me I'm not an editor but I am trying other than that have a beautiful day or night whatever time period you're in and bye.

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