Dogs and Lesbians

Start from the beginning

Well, at least we aren't lost. Might as well give the idiot what he wants.

And he was intent on getting it, too. He had begun to yank me towards the buliding again, showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. I relented, letting him lead me towards the potential haunted house.

There was an old, moldy sign on the door, which read Stay Out in what I'm going to assume is dark red marker. I gently pressed on the door, and luckily, it gave way pretty easily. I gingerly stepped inside, crinkling my nose as the musty smell of the place hit me. Wiley, deciding I had taken the lead long enough, pushed past me, leading me directly into the heart of the house. As he sniffed around, I realized that this place might be the only spot in the whole town that wasn't buzzing with positive energy, and that relieved me profusely. I leaned against a wall, patiently waiting for Wiley to finish exploring.

I rested my head against the wall, closing my eyes. We had been in the car for three days, during which I hadn't slept at all, and it was finally catching up to me. I was tired, and it wasn't just emotionally this time.

I opened my eyes as I heard Wiley growl, his strain on the leash becoming tighter as he tried to pull me towards a broken staircase. I gave in, quietly treading behind him as we neared what was once a dining room. I could hear faint voices, which I'm sure was why Wiley was so intent on coming this way. The voices were getting closer, and I could hear footsteps, too. Taking the lead for once, I yanked my beast into a nearby closet, holding my breath as the shadows of two people crossed in front of the half-open door. They were close enough for me to hear them, so I tried to focus on the seemingly heated conversation.

"I told you, I'm not doing this shit with you anymore! All we do is fuck and get high. That's not a relationship!" the first voice cried. By the pitchiness and whining, I immediately knew it was a girl.

"Well, what did you expect? Long, romantic walls on the damn beach? We live in Colorado for fucks sake!" a more familiar and huskier voice replied. I listened intently, realizing that both of the voices belonged to girls.

What is with this town and lesbians?

There was a beat of silence, then quick footsteps, and the slamming of a door. By the way the conversation was going, I'm pretty sure pitchy just ran out screaming and crying.

That's gonna take a while to fix...and I didn't mean the door.

Wiley let out a low whine, signalling his need to get out and stretch his legs. He'd had enough drama, and to be honest, I had, too. The second girl let out a deep sigh, slowly walking in the same direction as the first girl. Wiley growled again, causing the footsteps to pause.


I held my breathe, covering Wiley's muzzle with my hand and pulling him closer to me. I peered out through the slight opening, my eyes focusing on the tall figure now just a few feet away. I did not want to get caught snooping my first day here.

She's getting closer!

The door was ripped open, revealing the all too familiar dark-haired beauty I'd encountered earlier. Upon realizing who I was, she smirked, crossing her arms and leaning in the doorway.

"Well, well, well, look who's hiding in the closet?" she paused, chuckling at her own comment.

Should I find her laugh attractive?

No, I shouldn't. I should, however, get the hell out of there.

As I opened my mouth to form some unconvincing lie, she lifts a finger, cutting me off before I even had a chance to speak.


"You know, you're actually," she stopped, raking her eyes up and down my body. "-pretty damn hot," she trailed of quietly, as if realizing something she hadn't before.

"Okay? Thanks, but I'm not a lesbian or interested and I have to go," I stood up and pushed past her, Wiley finally following obediently.

As my arm brushed against hers, she grabbed it tightly, pulling me back to face her. Sparks shot up my arm, and at her sudden closeness, I was finding it very hard to breathe.

"You sure about that?" I wasn't sure what she was asking about, my sexuality, my interest or my need for sudden departure, but it was a little difficult to respond to anything at the moment...her scent was intoxicating. I looked up at her eyes, silently willing her to release whatever hold she had on me. But, damn, her eyes really are beautiful...

Wiley growled menacingly, bringing me back to my senses. For once, I was pretty damn happy to have the beast.

"Leaving so soon?" she mockingly pouted, trailing her fingers down my arm. I held back a shiver, knowing any reaction I gave would encourage her further. "The fun's just getting started."

I stood completely still, giving her a blank stare. I could feel her purple eyes roaming my face, searching for any signs of discomfort she could feed on.

Upon noticing none, she sighed, stepping back and letting go of my arm. I breathed my own sigh of relief at finally being able to form thoughts that weren't about her many stunning features.

"You're no fun," she muttered, finally giving me a look that wasn't lust filled or taunting. She was just studying me, the way any normal person would when they met someone new. "The name's Rylee, by the way."

Not sure how to respond to her sudden change in personality, I gazed past her, staring wistfully at the door. I really did need to leave, which Wiley kept reminding me of by letting out low whines, but she didn't seem ready to let me leave yet. To be honest, I didn't want to go anymore, either. Her aura was addicting, if not alarming, and I found myself genuinely wanting to know more about her, become closer to her...and it scared the shit out of me.

"Kelsea," I finally responded, seeing no harm in giving this beautiful stranger my name.

There was a pregnant pause as she just stared at me, but when she realised that was all she was getting, she nodded, and turned towards the door. I watched her retreating figure, captivated by the sway of her hips, when I heard a cough. My cheeks burned as I looked up, embarrassed at being caught staring.

She had stopped at the doorway, trying hard to hide the amusement that was still clearly shining in her eyes. I inwardly groaned, expecting more teasing, but was, once again, surprised by this beautiful girl.

"Don't worry Kelsea, this won't be the last you see of me," and she was gone.

That's exactly what I'm worried about.

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