Chapter 2

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(Y/n)'s p.o.v.

Today I was walking around the orphanage grounds with Izana, since we had nothing better to do. I don't know when exactly, but he started calling me 'his queen'.

"Hey look." I stopped and pointed towards the kid with a scar on his forhead. We started to walk towards him.

"That's a cool looking scar you got there." I said to him.

"What are you making?" Izana asked.

"My parent's grave... They died in an accident."

"I see... so that's where you got your scar?" I asked.

"...Leave me alone..." He finally answered after a short silence and continue talking. "If you talk to me you'll get bullied too."

Then out of nowhere Izana kicked the small grave.

"Izana!" I shouted angrily at him, but he just ignored me.

"Hey what the hell!?" The boy asked while trying to rebuilding, but Izana grabed the boy by his shirts collar so they could be face to face.

"Forget about the people who died." Izana said.

He continued to give the kid the pep talk till he let him go and the kid started to cry. Izana started to walk away. I agree with some of the things that Izana said, but not all of them.

"C'mon let's go my queen."

"In a minute." I told him.

He just shrugged his shoulders and said. "Don't take to long, okay?" I just waved my hand at him and said okay.

I gave a napkin that I had my pocket to that kid, the kid look at me and took it. He wiped his tears and blowed his nose. He wnated to give it back.

"You can keep that." I said.

Author's p.o.v.

Kakucho putted the napkin away in his pocket.

"You know as big as a meaning Izana can be sometimes, he's kind of right, you shouldn't get hungover other people's deaths, you got to accept it and move on... but not immediately overtime, of course." (Y/n) said. "...But there is one I thing I disagree with him, everyone is worth something, even worthless trash like me. Well that and you don't have to be his servant."

"No you're not trash." Kakucho said then lightly blushed and looked away.

"Thanks." (Y/n) said quietly and patted his head, but the moment her hand was had came in contact with his head Kakucho immediately backed away because of how cold her hand is.

(Y/n) immediately got why he backed away she apologized.

"Sorry about that. As you may have already guessed his name is Izana." (Y/n) said pionting to the boy in the distance. "I'm (Y/n) and what's your name?"


"It's a nice name you got there, Kakucho. Come on let's go he doesn't like being kept waiting." (Y/n) as she grabed Kakuchos hand and draged him towards Izana.

Izana heard someone coming towards him so he turned to see (Y/n) coming his way. His face went from a small smile to an unreadable stoic face.

He saw (Y/n) holding Kakuchos hand, it made him feel something. Something unpleasent, like a light stab in his heart. Izana didn't like it, obviously. When the two got close enought Izana forcefully separated them.

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked.

"None is allowed to touch my queen so freely. Except for me of course." Izana said almost emotionlessle.

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